Episode 94 – Finding Gratitude and Appreciating The Journey with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today we’re diving into a topic near and dear to our hearts: GRATITUDE

Thanksgiving has just passed, and here in the United States, we’ve celebrated all the things that truly matter to us. Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of gratitude. It’s about being thankful for the things we have, appreciating what’s already in our lives, and not getting caught up in what we lack. Pretty powerful stuff, right?

Join Kevin as he explores the power of being thankful for what we have and how it can positively impact our lives, especially as business leaders. He’ll discuss the concept of “The Gap and The Gain”, and how it relates to our mindset. Through personal anecdotes and practical exercises, we’ll learn how to shift our perspective and cultivate gratitude in our lives. 

Let’s dive in!


The Power of Gratitude: Shifting Your Perspective – Kevin Oldham

Gratitude. What’s it mean? It means to be thankful for all the things that you have, to be appreciative for the things you have, not the things that you do not have. Okay? And this is gonna go in the whole “The Gap and The Gain” talk. So if you heard me talk about Dan Sullivan’s book,The Gap and The Gain, You’ll know where we’re headed, which is, the gap is what you don’t have, the gain is what you have, and how you show up in the world is one of two ways. You can either be appreciative and look at all the progress you’ve made compared to where you’ve been, or you can look ahead and be like “Wow, I don’t have to fill in the blank that so and so has”, and you’re living in the gap if you do that. Meaning, you don’t have gratitude.

Nurturing the Attitude of Gratitude: Why It Matters More Than You Think – Kevin Oldham

You’ve done so much more in a 5 year period than you could have ever imagined. There’s gonna be no way that you’re not gonna be appreciative, and you should be able to show gratitude towards yourself as to all the awesome things that you’ve done. And then once you’re able to do that, once you’re able to experience gratitude yourself, It just trickles down to all areas of your life. You start appreciating the people around you more. It’s appreciating the people you live with. You start appreciating the fact that you woke up.”

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Episode 93 – Michael Valente Talks About Renovation Sells (Home Selling and Buyer’s Demand)

Episode 93 – Michael Valente Talks About Renovation Sells (Home Selling and Buyer’s Demand)

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, we dive into the realm of home renovations and real estate. Our special guest, Michael Valente, the Founder and CEO of Renovation Sells Franchising, shares insights on how their franchise model revolutionizes the industry. From the importance of finding a niche in the market to their expertise in pre-sale cosmetic renovations.

Discover how Renovation Sells has established themselves as the go-to experts in cosmetic renovations, making houses shine before they hit the market. But that’s not all – our hosts will also touch on the power of innovation, listening to franchisees, and the role of a visionary and integrator in building a thriving business. They’ll address how the pandemic has impacted the real estate market and home renovations, and how Renovation Sells has adapted to the ever-changing landscape.

Plus, they’ll share a captivating anecdote about a franchise sales pitch that will leave you inspired and ready to take on new opportunities.

So grab your coffee, sit back, and get ready to dive in!


Play to Your Strengths: Utilizing Visionaries and Operators in Business – Michael Valente

“You shouldn’t stamp out ideas in entrepreneurship. That’s what we’re all here for. So everybody approaches it with a different skill, with a different background, with a different history, and their ideas around what we’re doing are all different. And so we welcome change. We welcome innovation. We wanna hear about new ideas that we’ve never thought about, and it’s our job as a franchise or to sit through those ideas and determine, okay, what do we think is the best path forward? That’s literally my job. What are the initiatives, and then what’s the best path? What are we gonna work on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. But a lot of that innovation and those ideas do come from listening to our existing franchisees, our partners, to determine what they see in here? Because I’m not in the field every day anymore. So, like, and the market shifts and they change. So what do we need to do to stay current? And we get a lot of that from our existing franchisee.”

The Role of Visionaries and Integrators in Driving Success – Kevin Oldham

“There’s a good book that I’ve mentioned on this podcast before, and I don’t know if you’ve read it. It’s called Rocket Fuel, Wickman. And he’s also the inventor of traction, an operating system that you can install into businesses. And listeners, if you hear us crazy visionaries, you’re hearing a common theme. Because typically, it’s the visionary CEO that’s a guest on here. And the most successful franchisors have an Integrator is typically the yin to the yang, the fire to the water, the the process and make stuff happen person versus the person coming by with the grandiose visions on where we’re gonna take the organization. And that really is the key to a successful business. Like, I believe that It’s really challenging to do too much.”

Connect and learn more about Michael Valente by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin Oldham and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 92 – Kevin Oldham: Overcoming Obstacles, Transformations and Seizing Opportunities

Episode 92 – Kevin Oldham: Overcoming Obstacles, Transformations and Seizing Opportunities

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today we’re going to dive into the concept of metaphorical mountains and how they can be applied to business and personal goals. 

Have you ever had to adjust your goals or plans due to unexpected setbacks or circumstances? How did you handle it?

In this episode, we’ll be discussing Kevin’s journey of recovering from knee surgery and how it relates to the process of setting and achieving audacious goals. We’ll explore the importance of breaking down big goals into smaller, achievable milestones, celebrating progress along the way, and finding gratitude in the journey. 

Join us as we navigate the path to success. Let’s dive in!


How Achievable Milestones Keep You Focused on Your Goals – Kevin Oldham

“When a visionary sets big goals or an organization sets big goals, that’s super important. It’s aspirational, but then we’ve got to break it down into achievable little bite-sized things so that inch by inch, we’re getting closer to our goal, but we’re also not giving up on our goal because we are making progress. And furthermore, we’re celebrating those little milestones that we achieve. So hopefully that helps you. I know that those types of things definitely help me. They help me particularly when I look back and I’m like, hey. We haven’t done enough in our business or whatever. And I’m like, hold on. If we look back on another book, if we look at the gap in the gain and we measure our success based on where we’ve come in our journey versus where we’re headed, it can provide a lot of appreciation and gratitude and help fuel your tank. Because at the end of the day, that’s all we have is the energy to allocate to these projects. And the fuel for that is upstairs in your head.”

The Power of Incremental Progress – Kevin Oldham

“When we’re thinking about it, let’s just say this is Q4, and we’re thinking about establishing goals for 2024. Let’s use that as an example. Maybe your Everest is to get to 50 units or a 100 units or whatever however many locations. That’s your Everest. It’s a stretch goal, something like that. If you’re smart, you’ll digest that down to, like, more achievable bite sized goals that you can actually accomplish. Maybe it’s a monthly goal. Maybe it’s a weekly goal. Maybe it’s just, Hey, moving the needle x amount to hit this milestone is fun, and that milestone is worth celebrating. And then next thing you know, after doing the work, rinse, repeat, showing up, doing the work, doing more of the work, redoing the work. Next thing, you’ve climbed your mountain.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 91 – Passion and Purpose: The Founder Story of Gabriel, Natural Life

Episode 91 – Passion and Purpose: The Founder Story of Gabriel, Natural Life

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, we have an exciting guest joining us, Gabriel Suarez, the founder and CEO of Natural Life Franchise Company.

Gabriel’s journey as an entrepreneur began with a deep personal motivation. Inspired by his younger brother who had juvenile arthritis, Gabriel began on a mission to find natural ways to help alleviate his brother’s pain. This led him to explore the world of natural botanicals and herbal remedies. Realizing the lack of accessible options for these natural solutions, he decided to create Natural Life, an outlet for people to discover and access these resources.

But Gabriel’s story doesn’t stop there. In his free time, he indulges in some truly daring hobbies. He is not only a certified pilot, but also a wingsuit pilot with over a thousand parachute jumps under his belt. Yes, you heard that right! Gabriel jumps out of perfectly good planes and glides through the air like a real-life superhero. We’ll get to hear about his experiences and how he manages to balance these exciting pursuits with the demands of running a business and being a father of three.

Tune in! 


Breaking Barriers to Natural and Western Medicine Options – Gabriel Suarez

“I realized that there’s so much good out there that’s all natural and grows out of the earth essentially and does great things, and nobody either knows about it or has access to it. And it’s almost a shame that we only have one option, which I’m not against as a synthetic solution when that’s the right solution, a prescription drug, even sometimes some other Western medicine style type of treatment. But the fact that we don’t have the option to choose a natural option or essentially Western medicine type of option, that I thought wasn’t right. And as I’m helping my brother, I said, realize everybody needs access to this stuff. And there can be an idea of this, to create a natural pharmacy. We’ll call it a wellness store. We’ll stock it with all kinds of natural solutions” 

Entrepreneurship, Parenthood, and Hobbies Kevin Oldham

“I found that one of the superpowers for a well balanced life is to have some things that you’re doing for yourself as an entrepreneur, particularly when you have a young family, particularly when you’re running a business. All of these things are super super important, and If you don’t take care of yourself, then you can’t bring the best to everybody else. And so it’s a balance, man, and it’s tough, but hobbies are cool.”

Connect and learn more about Gabriel Suarez by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin Oldham and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 90 – Protecting Your Mental Space for Success with Kevin Oldham

Episode 90 – Protecting Your Mental Space for Success with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. We will dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and personal growth as a franchisor and entrepreneur. 

In this episode, Kevin shares a game-changing book that has had a profound impact on his own life, as well as countless others. It is called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Truck (#@%!)” by the brilliant author, Mark Manson. Now, fair warning, this book isn’t for the faint of heart – it’s extensively sprinkled with “F-bombs”. But trust us, the F-bombs here are a metaphor for the important things in life that deserve your energy.

Kevin explains how protecting your mind involves consciously choosing where to allocate your energy, focusing only on the things that truly matter – your “rocks” or “trucks” in life. He shares powerful insights on cutting out unnecessary relationships, toxic scenarios, and even blocking distractions that hinder your progress.

Get ready to unlock the power of your mind!


Why It’s Important to Invest Your Energy in the Right Things – Kevin Oldham

“There’s different analogies for ways to surround yourself with people and projects that matter. Things that give you energy, not things that deplete your energy. I must be in this space where I’m like, really want to share with entrepreneurs how important it is to protect your head space. Because the talk that I did last week was about the analogy of the rocks. And you have rocks in your life that matter, and you need to take care of the rocks and then you can throw in the pebbles in the sand, which is everything else. Those rocks are your trucks. The things that you should tend to that you need to nurture. They are the things that deserve your attention. They are things that deserve your resources, your energy, whatever it is. The things that don’t serve you, the things that give you anxiety that are not necessary. Those are the things that you don’t need to allocate energy to, those are the things you don’t need to allocate trucks to.”

Why you should redirect energy towards what truly matters – Kevin Oldham 

“The things that don’t serve you, the things that give you anxiety that are not necessary, those are the things that you don’t need to allocate energy to. Those are the things you don’t need to allocate trucks to. Those are the things that when you put them up in a metaphorical shelf in a box and put that box away or you burn the box. They don’t have power over you anymore. And I think that’s one of the more profound things because I’m a big experimenter. I’ve done this with relationships. It sucks. It’s hard. But if there’s a relationship that is no longer serving you, Maybe it is taking your energy, your resources harming other healthy relationships. That relationship needs to not be allocated any energy. It doesn’t need to be allocated any trucks. It needs to be put out of your mind so that you can protect your mind for the things that matter and that are healthy for you as a human being.” 

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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