Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. We will dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and personal growth as a franchisor and entrepreneur. 

In this episode, Kevin shares a game-changing book that has had a profound impact on his own life, as well as countless others. It is called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Truck (#@%!)” by the brilliant author, Mark Manson. Now, fair warning, this book isn’t for the faint of heart – it’s extensively sprinkled with “F-bombs”. But trust us, the F-bombs here are a metaphor for the important things in life that deserve your energy.

Kevin explains how protecting your mind involves consciously choosing where to allocate your energy, focusing only on the things that truly matter – your “rocks” or “trucks” in life. He shares powerful insights on cutting out unnecessary relationships, toxic scenarios, and even blocking distractions that hinder your progress.

Get ready to unlock the power of your mind!


Why It’s Important to Invest Your Energy in the Right Things – Kevin Oldham

“There’s different analogies for ways to surround yourself with people and projects that matter. Things that give you energy, not things that deplete your energy. I must be in this space where I’m like, really want to share with entrepreneurs how important it is to protect your head space. Because the talk that I did last week was about the analogy of the rocks. And you have rocks in your life that matter, and you need to take care of the rocks and then you can throw in the pebbles in the sand, which is everything else. Those rocks are your trucks. The things that you should tend to that you need to nurture. They are the things that deserve your attention. They are things that deserve your resources, your energy, whatever it is. The things that don’t serve you, the things that give you anxiety that are not necessary. Those are the things that you don’t need to allocate energy to, those are the things you don’t need to allocate trucks to.”

Why you should redirect energy towards what truly matters – Kevin Oldham 

“The things that don’t serve you, the things that give you anxiety that are not necessary, those are the things that you don’t need to allocate energy to. Those are the things you don’t need to allocate trucks to. Those are the things that when you put them up in a metaphorical shelf in a box and put that box away or you burn the box. They don’t have power over you anymore. And I think that’s one of the more profound things because I’m a big experimenter. I’ve done this with relationships. It sucks. It’s hard. But if there’s a relationship that is no longer serving you, Maybe it is taking your energy, your resources harming other healthy relationships. That relationship needs to not be allocated any energy. It doesn’t need to be allocated any trucks. It needs to be put out of your mind so that you can protect your mind for the things that matter and that are healthy for you as a human being.” 

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