Episode 104 – Beyond the Bottom Line: WellBiz Brands’ Success Story In the Wellness Industry with Jeremy Morgan

Episode 104 – Beyond the Bottom Line: WellBiz Brands’ Success Story In the Wellness Industry with Jeremy Morgan

Buckle up for a brand new episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of franchising and the potential for building empires in personal services and beauty industries.

Kevin and our awesome guest, Jeremy Morgan, the CEO of Wellbiz Brands, are gonna talk about operational simplicity, membership models, and the importance of a consumer-focused membership experience.

We’ll also explore the benefits and challenges of having a common tech stack for multiple brands and learn about the unique nature of Wellbiz Brands’ business.

Let’s get into it!


Franchising Growth Stories: A Strategy Guy’s Perspective- Jeremy Morgan

My first job in the franchising world was at Smashburger. Actually, I joined the Smashburger team in 2010 after some stints at investment banking and consulting. I was just coming in as a strategy guy. SmashBurger had 25 or so units at the time and had just started to take off, and it was a heck of a ride. I was there for 4 years. We went from 25 units to 300. It was a mix of corporate owned and franchise, so it was about 50/50 on each. I think we built 60 restaurants in my 1st 6 months there. I just learned so much and really fell in love with the model. I didn’t know that much about franchising specifically when I jumped in. I had a passion for consumer concepts and retail, and this one was a really hot one at the time, so I was really excited to move to Denver and be a part of the management team there. And I ended up leaving the marketing team for 4 years. And so we learned a lot about how to do marketing in a franchise context and what it means to drive results for franchisees and corporate units at the same time.

Get the inside scoop on Jeremy Morgan! Follow him on his socials listed below:

Find out more about the Franchise My Business podcast and unravel the story of Kevin Oldham:

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Episode 103 – Seasons Wrap-Up: From Reflections to Gratitude with Kevin Oldham

Episode 103 – Seasons Wrap-Up: From Reflections to Gratitude with Kevin Oldham

Welcome to the final episode of the Franchise My Business podcast for the year. Can you believe it’s time for the final episode of the season? In this special episode, our host, Kevin Oldham, wraps up the year with a heartfelt reflection on the amazing moments and hurdles faced along the way.

From the excitement of landing top-notch guests to the challenges of finding the right balance, Kevin shares his personal insights and the valuable lessons gained throughout the season. Join us as we explore the behind-the-scenes journey of Franchise My Business and look ahead to what the future may hold.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate the journey and all the memorable moments that made 2024 so special for Franchise My Business and as Kevin expressed gratitude to the listeners for their unwavering support throughout the season.


Year-End Reflection: Successes and Opportunities for Improvement – Kevin Oldham

“So this is the end of the year wrap up, and this is where I’m going to give a very quick reflection on some of the cool things that we’ve done, some of the things that I learned throughout this process, and the things I think we can do better as we move forward. So The thing that we learned, number 1, is that if you provide a platform and the messaging is correct, You can attract high caliber guests. And that’s really what we discovered with this show. I think the simplicity of the name franchises my business. People knew what it was. And we were fearless with our invites, and we got almost every single guest that we wanted, particularly in the month of January. And here was the scary thing. In January, we sent out 200 invitations. I was like, hey. I just have to have 52 yeses this year. So we sent 200 invitations, and we got a ton of yeses in that 1st month.”

Thriving in 2024: Real Stories, Tools, and Service for Your Life as an Entrepreneur – Kevin Oldham

“Thank you for being a phenomenal supporter. If it’s not the end, then I hope that you continue to stick around next year, 2024. 2024 is going to be with a lot of noise. It’s an election year here in the United States. We have just so many things that You’re gonna have to find sources of truth for your information. And I think that’s what we’ve done here is we’ve provided a source of truth for your information. We’ve provided real world stories from amazing franchisors who are emerging. We have at least we’ve done the best that we can with our Solo content to share with you insights, and tools, and mental models, and all sorts of things that I personally use to navigate life as a franchisor, as a Entrepreneur as a human being, and I just hope that we’re of service to you.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 102 – The Gift of Reflection and Gearing Up for Growth with Kevin Oldham

Episode 102 – The Gift of Reflection and Gearing Up for Growth with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham.

Got a question for you…

Reflecting on the past year, what methods do you use to assess your performance as an entrepreneur or as a business owner? And In what ways can you leverage the experiences that gave you energy and light this past year to proactively enhance your business in the upcoming year?

Well, In this episode, our host, Kevin Oldham reflects on the past year and offers a gift to the listeners: permission to deeply explore their franchise businesses in the upcoming year. He encourages taking inventory of what has worked well, what hasn’t, and how to improve. He stresses the importance of reflecting on one’s experiences, identifying what brings energy and what doesn’t, and making commitments to focus on the most important aspects of business. As he signs off, he expresses gratitude to the listeners and looks forward to the podcast’s future. 

Tune in for a thoughtful and introspective close to the year and gain insight for the upcoming one.


Reflect and Refine: Embracing Opportunities for Growth and Change – Kevin Oldham

“Take this week, this is the gift, the permission to take this week to review your calendar and look at everything that you did that sucked. The things that you did that you’re like, man, that wasn’t fun or that’s not something that wasn’t a hell yes. Look at the things that you did that were like hell yeses. Those are probably gonna be like your vacations, your family experiences, all these things, whatever it is. And then there’s gonna be a lot of other stuff. And just look at it. Look at the stuff that was terrible. Look at the things that were like, whoo, that gave me a lot of light and energy. And then look at the mundane, the things in between, and use this week. If there’s something that was really traumatic or didn’t work out well for you, Use this week to make a commitment to yourself. Give yourself the gift to say, you know what? That’s not gonna be something I’m gonna do next year. Could be a bad Business decision could be a meeting with somebody who drains your energy. It could be you went to an event and it didn’t meet your expectations. Whatever it is, just be like, you know what? I’m not gonna do that again next year. I’m not gonna do that again.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 101 – Discover Your Strength and Conquer Life’s Challenges – Path to VUCA Fit with Jose Bolaños

Episode 101 – Discover Your Strength and Conquer Life’s Challenges – Path to VUCA Fit with Jose Bolaños

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business Podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Get ready for an exciting and heart-to-heart conversation in today’s episode. We’re diving into a fruitful discussion with Jose Bolaños about the profound impact of how we treat the animals and the VUCA approach to life. 

But what are the key components of the VUCA Fit method, and how do they contribute to building mental resilience and emotional intelligence?

Together, let’s explore the concept of VUCA Fit (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) in everyday life, discussing its application, the acceptance of emotions, and the necessity of a positive mindset. Tune in as Kevin and Jose share their new business venture, aimed at empowering individuals with tools to navigate life’s complexities while having more fun and profitable businesses.

Let’s dive in! 


 Understanding Emotional Responses – Jose Bolaños

“I’m working with a client recently who tends to, from their perspective, overreact in certain circumstances, and use words like I disproportionately overreact to the circumstances. And this happens to me, and it’s completely irrational. And they’re using this language. It’s, to me, it’s brutal language. It’s no. You’re just reacting. It’s completely rational. It’s completely human, but the whole language around it generates suffering. And so I heard their perspective, and I heard what they were saying. And then I was like, give me let me show you a video, and I brought up certain sense making tools. I call them sense making tools. I’m like, I want you to watch this video with what you just said about this and that. Watch this video, and then we’ll talk about it. So she watched the video and she said, oh, that’s it. That’s so it’s called above the line, below the line. She’s, I’m going below the line. You just gotta find ways to come above the line.” 

Building a Movement Committed to Self-Work and a Greater Purpose – Kevin Oldham

“We could create a movement of people who are unbreakable, people who are committed to something greater than themselves, and furthermore, people who are willing to do the self work necessary to honor their commitment, to honor why the heck they are on this big rock. And We had to use in your tutu the acronym Vuca, v u c a. And I had been mentally in over my head since I’ve been working with you. I’m like, you had been working to get me to be a Vuca capable person, and I didn’t like the word capable. I felt like I sucked. And I was like, no, man. I’m trying to get fit. Like, capable is just, hey. I’m capable of walking across the road. No. I wanna be fit. I wanna go across the road in the best way that I possibly can. And so we came up with a brand called.”

Connect and learn more about Jose Bolaños by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin Oldham and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 100 – Debunking the Myth of a Turnkey Franchise with Kevin Oldham

Episode 100 – Debunking the Myth of a Turnkey Franchise with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, Kevin will explore the concept of turnkey businesses and debunk the idea of a truly hands-off, effortless venture.

But how does the concept of turnkey apply specifically to the franchise space? And what are some of the key responsibilities and tasks that a business owner still has to handle despite being in a turnkey scenario? Let’s find out! 

Today we will join Kevin as he discusses the common misconception of turnkey businesses being completely automated and requiring minimal effort from the owner. He shares examples and insights from his own experiences, revealing the truth that even seemingly passive income streams and established franchises still demand attention, management, and mental space. Join us as we challenge the belief of turnkey businesses and uncover the truth behind this widely misunderstood concept.

Let’s dive in! 


Unpacking the Turnkey Illusion: The Truth Behind – Kevin Oldham

“Let’s think about a resale. Let’s think, hey. It’s a turnkey business opportunity. I’m gonna sell you my McDonald’s. We’re going to do a transaction, and I’m sure McDonald’s corporate’s gonna get very involved. But I’m gonna assume this franchise opportunity from you. And let’s just say it’s working great. It could be a true turnkey opportunity. Because when I think about McDonald’s, I hardly ever see the owners there, if ever. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a McDonald’s owner at a McDonald’s. And, it could be just this financial transaction. But the thing is, there’s still this financial transaction. There’s still this back end management and all these things that somebody has to do. And so I think that turnkey is a decent term to say, hey. We’ve done a lot of the work, and you don’t have to do as much. But the reality is you still gotta manage it. And if nothing else, it’s gonna take up space in your head. Right? And that’s not free.” 

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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