Episode 89 – How Wize Computing Academy Empowers Kids with Coding and Robotics Education

Episode 89 – How Wize Computing Academy Empowers Kids with Coding and Robotics Education

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham! Today we have a special treat for you. We are joined by a dynamic power couple who not only share a deep personal bond but have also ventured into the world of business together. Get ready to be inspired as we dive into the story of Wize Computing Academy and discover how they are revolutionizing children’s education.

Our guests, Vishal Bhasin, and Venus Bhasin, take us on their incredible journey as they discuss their passion for empowering young minds. Wize Computing Academy is a platform that connects eager students with talented teachers, offering a wide range of skills from coding to robotics and design.

Make sure to stick around until the end as we get a sneak peek into Wize Computing Academy’s thrilling showcase, where young entrepreneurs present their innovative ideas in a shark tank-like setting.

Let’s dive in!


Showcasing Young Talent – Vishal Bhasin

“You know this. I’m sure listeners, who are parents and even if they’re not parents, have nieces and nephews. Kids have a ton of ideas, and it really allows them to bring them to 4. And at the end of this Program we run this as a summer camp as well. The end of this program, the last year of the summer camp is really the showcase where They’re allowed to showcase whether it’s a product, a service, how they plan to implement it, how they plan to market it, what the cost of it would be, and parents can come in and talk to them and do a shark tank like an environment. And that is really cool because it allows them to just be themselves and present all their ideas in front of not just us, but also their parents and other folks within the school.”

Fostering Passion in young minds: The Impact of Early Coding and Robotics Exposure – Venus Bhasin

“We have a platform. I would say we have the coolest platform. As we walk into the classroom, kids love to see us just because we’re teaching the cool thing. We’re teaching them technology. We’re teaching them on the platforms they like to play on. So Holding that responsibility that we are actually creating their interest and also building their passion when it comes to STEM education. It’s a responsibility we hold on our shoulders and so do our instructors because we work with high schoolers who do internships as well. Some of them have exposure to coding early on. Some of them don’t, and you can truly see a difference between a person or a child who has done coding or robotics back in their elementary and middle versus a high schooler who’s absolutely fresh. So their skill set is not at that level, and it’s not their fault. It’s just that they never had a chance or they never had an opportunity of exposure.”

Connect and learn more about Vishal Bhasin and Venus Bhasin by visiting their socials below:

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Episode 88 – Building Resilience: Tackling Challenges When Expanding with Kevin Oldham

Episode 88 – Building Resilience: Tackling Challenges When Expanding with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today’s episode is all about tackling challenges when expanding your business. But how do mistakes or failures in business serve as growth opportunities? 

In this episode, we take you through Kevin’s own journey of expansion and the lessons he learned along the way. From leasing a dedicated studio to realizing the need for cost-saving measures, every step of the expansion process brings its own set of challenges. But it’s how we navigate and overcome these challenges that truly defines our success.

And join us as he discusses the importance of hiring the right people and the mental aspect of growing your business. And get ready for an exciting introduction to a concept called VUCA, which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

Let’s dive in! 


Embracing VUCA: Strategies for Thriving in a World of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – Kevin Oldham

So what is VUCA? Matter of fact, I have a hat for new business VUCA fit, and the word VUCA is not really a word. It’s an acronym. That acronym is coined by the US military to describe the terms or the world after the Cold war. So when the cold war ended, there was still a lot of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in the world. And that’s where the acronym US military loves speaking acronyms. They came up with the terminology or the acronym VUCA. My mindset coach or old mindset coach, now business partner, Jose Bellagno says use that as a core tenet of his philosophy to help frame how to manage. Challenges in life complexity like ambiguity, all of these things. And I would say that when you’re growing a business, that would be a big challenge.” 

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business: 

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The Battlefield of Business and The Unconventional Path To Success with Steve Sims

The Battlefield of Business and The Unconventional Path To Success with Steve Sims

Welcome to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today, we have the privilege of interviewing the CEO and Founder of SDSims firm, Steve Sims! He is also a coach and a speaker. 

Tune in as he shares his insights on creating unforgettable experiences and tells us about their best-selling book, “Go For Stupid” which encourages readers to set higher goals and take bold action. We’ll also learn about his inspiring journey in the business world, including their involvement with Defy Ventures, where they challenge themselves by interacting with confined individuals.

Join us as we uncover the secrets of success and explore the power of personal branding, the importance of curiosity, and the transformative nature of pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. Immerse yourself in the world of Steve’s incredible work, as he builds things that truly matter and create safe spaces for entrepreneurs. 

Buckle up!


Brand Clarity and Directing Solutions for Success – Steve Sims

First of all, whenever we speak with people it is to remove the confusion from your brand and to expose the clarity. Now I don’t care if you’re good looking. I don’t care if you’re beautiful, if you’re a supermodel. I care that you are the solution to somebody else’s problem. And if I can expose that we are the solution to your problem, and this is why in just 2 points, then everything else is just regardless, it’s just fluff. No one cares

The Power Of Stillness: Finding Strength in Challenging Times – Steve Sims

“I wrote the book during COVID because I got pissed off. There’s so many people there, oh, what do I binge watch on Netflix? This was a phenomenal time for us to get sharper. This was a brilliant time for us to stand still and go, okay. Am I where I wanted to be 5 years ago and where am I headed? We could literally change our path during COVID and so many people wasted it. And so at that time, we came up with the Gotcha Society and the canceled culture, where we actually became terrified to say the wrong thing Or terrified to try something in case we were laughed at. Now, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Joe Obama, any of these people, they’re not fine to be laughed at. So I started writing articles and blogs, and someone said you should turn into a book, and I did. And I released it in October. It became a bestseller in 2 hours”

Connect and learn more about Steve Sims by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 86 – Double-Edged Sword: Scaling Too Quickly with Kevin Oldham

Episode 86 – Double-Edged Sword: Scaling Too Quickly with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today we’re diving into the topic of “Scaling Too Quickly”. But what happens when the pace becomes too rapid?

Join us as we explore the dangers and pitfalls of scaling too fast. From losing company identity to struggling with culture and finding the right people to support your rapidly growing organization, we’ll uncover the complexities of maintaining success in the face of exponential growth.


The Secret to Scaling: Franchises and Licensing as the Ultimate Business Leveraging Tools – Kevin Oldham

Scaling is like this big buzzword. People like, oh, I gotta scale my company and all these things. Scale, by definition, means that you found something that has leverage within your business, and you’re able to increase your profit and not necessarily increase your cost structure or at least not commensurately. And I think franchises are one of the best scalable business models on the planet. It’s one of the reasons that I love this business model skin. Whether it’s franchising, licensing, I don’t care what it is. But taking your own intellectual property, sharing it with others, and allowing them to do their thing, creates a business based on the work that you created.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business: 

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Episode 85 – Fire Of Success: Personal Transformation, Overcoming Challenges and Franchising with Adam Rice

Episode 85 – Fire Of Success: Personal Transformation, Overcoming Challenges and Franchising with Adam Rice

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, we dive into the power of SELF-PERCEPTION, GAMIFICATION, and the PURSUIT OF GREATNESS.

We will be joined by our special guest, Adam Rice, the Founder & CEO of one the fastest growing boutique fitness franchises, ISI® Elite Training. We take a journey into his past, and this pivotal event that led him to embark on a life-changing transformation. From celebrating the triumph of being a multi-unit, multi-brand owner to the transformative power of athletic-based training, the conversation dives deep into the mindset, atmosphere, and challenges faced in the fitness industry. We will also explore the importance of a powerful why, the impact of pivotal moments, and the exciting launch of Relentless Brands. 

Let’s get started!


Building the Right Team and Infrastructure for Success – Adam Rice

Right now, we’re really on that growth train where we’re seeing now, 10 units. We got a potential 20 unit deal in the mix right now. And I’d say the most critical thing for me was getting the right people on our team as fast as I did, was by far. I think any franchisor that there’s 2 routes to go. You could argue which route is the right route, but I was always a huge believer in losing a lot of money. How long can I sustain with losing a lot of money to build the right infrastructure? Right, in franchising as a franchisor, you’re not becoming royalty efficient till depending on your unit economics. For us, it’s around 60 to 70 open. Right?

The Secret to Member Retention: It’s Not Just About the Workout – Adam Rice

When you’re part of something bigger than yourself because, in fitness, our mindset, a lot of times and it’s a have to versus get to. Right? And so if we can create a space and an atmosphere where people are doing life with people that they enjoy, like the atmosphere, the turf, the graphics, makes them feel like an athlete, then we can get them there. And that’s our struggle within the fitness industry is to get people to walk through the damn door. And then once they’re there, we’re good. Like, we got you right. And so. Why our member retention is through the roof? It’s because it’s not about the workout. The workout is awesome, but it’s really about the space and the community and they get to see their people. Right. It’s 15 minutes out of their day where they get I not think about anything, walk out feeling great about themselves? And for us, it’s this where we really differentiate ourselves within the industry. Specifically, it comes down to the strength. Differentiate ourselves within the industry specifically, it comes down to the strength component of it. So very strength based, but in that boutique fitness settings, so we’re about 60% female, 40% male. That ratio is way stronger on the male side than most concepts. Typically, in boutique fitness, it’s about 80/20.”

Connect and learn more about Adam Rice by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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