Episode 84 – Breaking Free: Do Things That Scare You! 

Episode 84 – Breaking Free: Do Things That Scare You! 

Welcome back to another inspiring episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. Today we are diving into the thrilling world of facing our fears head-on. In this episode, Kevin will share a personal journey that took him from the comfort zone of everyday life to the heart-pounding adrenaline rush of race car driving.

Picture this: amidst a global pandemic, a group of car enthusiasts, who happen to be Kevin’s close friends and neighbors, approached him with an audacious idea. They invited him to participate in a race series called the 24 Hours of Lemons – an endurance race where everyday drivers test their skills on the track with $500 junk cars. Now, he has always loved cars and dabbled in minor customizations, but he had never ventured into the realm of competitive racing.

Without much thought, Kevin jumped at the opportunity, fully aware that it was a wild and fear-inducing decision. Throughout this adventure, he discovered the transformative power of stepping out of our comfort zones and tackling the unknown. It taught Kevin valuable lessons about RESILIENCE, the power of MENTORSHIP, and the thrill of achieving the unimaginable.

So, join him on this adrenaline-fueled journey as he explores the importance of doing things that scare us, understand the tremendous impact it can have on our lives, and discover the inner strength and confidence that arises from pushing past our limits.


Uncomfortable Triumphs: The Transformative Power of Pushing Boundaries and Chasing Improvement – Kevin Oldham 

Race day number 1, my lap times were above 4 minutes. By the time we got done, I’d taken, like, 20 seconds off my lap time because I started to gain confidence. I’m like, oh, I’m feeling how the race car works. I’m feeling how other people are on the track. I’m running my own race. Much like when I used to do triathlons or marathons or anything that’s, hey, I’m just gonna go do me. I’m gonna go number 1 goal is to finish safely. And then number 2 is to improve upon what I did yesterday or 20 minutes ago.This whole concept of doing things that scare you, don’t do anything foolish. I just believe in living a cool fun life that’s full of rewarding experiences. But the ability to go out and strapped  into a race car and then make your teammates proud, contribute, do all these amazing things, gives you this rear view mirror of accomplishment like, that then bleeds over into every other aspect of your life. It was doing something that was very uncomfortable. And when we’re uncomfortable, it’s typically when we grow the most.

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business

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Episode 83 – The Baya Bar: A Deep Dive Into Developing A Successful Acai Bowl Business

Episode 83 – The Baya Bar: A Deep Dive Into Developing A Successful Acai Bowl Business

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham! In today’s episode, we have an exciting lineup of topics to dive into. We will be joined by our amazing guest, the Founder and CEO of Baya Bar, Bill Loesch. In early 2016 Bill was at a crossroads. Chasing a Wall Street dream glorified by the film industry, he started working for a firm in 2013 where he earned his Series 7 & 63 licenses, but after a few years decided to make a change. 

From the humble beginnings of running the location as investors to facing unexpected challenges, Bill shares their experiences and the valuable lessons they’ve learned along the way.

As we uncover pivotal moments on Bill’s journey, we ponder the factors that contributed to their current success. Was it the decision to franchise in 2018, or was it the result of daily focus and incremental progress? We explore the role of genetics in their entrepreneurial spirit and examine their early ventures, selling candies in 2nd grade and starting a painting and power washing company in their teenage years.

Stay tuned, because this episode is full of valuable nuggets that are sure to inspire and empower you on your own journey. 

Let’s dive in!


How a Passion for Health Transformed into a Food and Beverage Career – Bill Loesch

So I’ve always been big into health and wellness, fitness. You know, obviously, as you get a little older and busier with business and have a family, it’s tougher to manage all of it. But I was a 5, 6 day a week gym guy. I was doing a lot of my own meal prep. So I was very health conscious. And just, you know, even when you fall off the wagon, you still have the overall knowledge, right, of what’s good, what’s not good. So I always had an interest in food and beverage and in the health side of things when it comes to food and beverage, but I really never thought I would ever be involved in food and beverage from a business

The Franchising Formula: How to Scale Towards a Billion-Dollar Valuation – Bill Loesch

“Any business that I’ve been interested in the past, I’ve always used this billion test that I like to give. I ask, what’s the pathway to billion? Whether it’s, you know, $1,000,000,000 valuation or becoming a billionaire. So in any of my past ventures, I could see what the pathway was to billion. Not that it’s Not necessarily going to happen. Not that it’s easy, but what’s the pathway? So when I got into Baya Bar when I started the company, I said to myself, what’s the pathway to billion? And there were really 2 answers. It was raising a ton of capital and opening up all these corporate stores, Which your pathway to a billion is actually in some senses faster because you’ll be making more money with corporate owned locations.Or a little bit less upfront capital intensive, go the franchising route. And, you know, the individual store won’t be generating as much revenue, but you could probably scale it a lot faster. So I decided with my team that we were going to go the franchising route. Pretty early on, I would say about a year into it. And then within little less than a year later, We had done all of the legal paperwork. We had our FBE, and we started franchising in 2018.”

Connect and learn more about Bill Loesch by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 82 – Yes, I can! The Power Of A Positive Mindset with Kevin Oldham

Episode 82 – Yes, I can! The Power Of A Positive Mindset with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, we dive into a powerful yet simple concept that can transform your life. Kevin shares his personal journey with martial arts and how it has become a significant part of his life. Through his involvement in the American Taekwondo Association, he discovered the affirmation “yes, I can,” which has become the driving force behind his achievements. Kevin discusses the importance of belief and the role that others play in supporting our goals. 

Whether it’s becoming a black belt in Taekwondo or pursuing success in business, this episode will inspire you to believe in your abilities and take actionable steps towards your dreams. Join us as we uncover the power of a positive mindset and learn how to overcome obstacles with unwavering confidence. 

Let’s get started!


Discovering Your True Potential with the “Yes, I Can” Mindset – Kevin Oldham

So this message is thinking about what you want to be able to say, yes, I can too, and then backing up how you’re able to make it a reality. Do you need to hire teachers, mentors? Do you need to acquire a company? Like, whatever it is, whether it’s a personal endeavor or a professional endeavor, franchise. You’re working in corporate America. I don’t care. This whole concept, you’re a kid. This is originally who made it for us. It’s for children to empower them to believe that they can do things that maybe they did not think that they could do before. So there you go. Yes, I can. It’s a powerful yet simple methodology. It’s a little mantra that you can tell yourself that really gets you to believe if you can do stuff that maybe you didn’t think you could do before that weren’t on your radar

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business

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Episode 81 – A Franchise Journey: The Thrills and Challenges of Franchising with Brigham Dallas

Episode 81 – A Franchise Journey: The Thrills and Challenges of Franchising with Brigham Dallas

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, we will be joined by Brigham Dallas, the owner of Hello Sugar. Hello Sugar is a chain of Brazilian wax and sugar salons started in Phoenix Arizona. His current role is chairman of Hello Sugar AZ and the CEO of Hello Sugar Franchise. They will be diving into the world of franchising and the myriad challenges and triumphs that come with it.

Kevin and our guest share a common passion for marketing and franchising, which adds an extra layer of excitement to this discussion. Together, they explore the entrepreneurial journey, with our guest sharing their compelling story of starting a waxing salon to escape the world of selling scammy diet pills.

But what sets it apart is the focus on the crucial aspect of cadence in franchising. Brigham breaks down why many people fail in their franchise endeavors because they overlook the importance of properly establishing and scaling their business. They explain the recommended cadence for success and the dangers of expanding too quickly without a sturdy foundation.

Join us on this inspiring episode as we uncover the realities, successes, and lessons of the franchising world. 


Franchisee Influence: How Their Trust Pushes Business Owners to Clean Up and Level Up – Kevin Oldham

I started franchising, I didn’t realize that this would have this effect. I I think of this a lot like having guests come to your house. So, like, normally, your business is probably good enough. Right? Like, you’ve got dust in the corners. You’ve got a table that’s like a semi wipe. There’s a few dishes in the sink. You know what I mean? When you start to franchise and other people’s money, their life savings, their whole time and investment is invested in you and trust in you, It’s like when guests come to your house, you just make everything spotless. Right? You’re cleaning the scenes.You’re behind the counters. You’re putting the chairs away, The dishes, like, everything’s perfect. And this is what this transformative process happens to your business when you franchise. So people, when they start, they go in and they’re like, oh, there’s not a process for x, y, and z. Let me make that process. And in this system of building that process, they make it better. And every single aspect of your business is a little bit cleaner and a little bit better.

Connect and learn more about Brigham Dallas by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 80 – Franchise Rebranding: Why It Matters?

Episode 80 – Franchise Rebranding: Why It Matters?

Welcome back to another episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, hosted by Kevin Oldham, where we dive into the world of franchising and business strategies. In today’s episode, we will explore the fascinating topic of franchise rebranding

Have you ever wondered why successful brands like Subway or Pizza Hut undergo a makeover of their logo and image? 

Well, it’s not just about aesthetics. A brand is more than just its symbolic representation, it’s the promise it makes to consumers, and the mental anchor it holds in their minds. Join Kevin as he shares firsthand experiences of rebranding over 600 franchise locations and the complexities involved. From the psychological impact on franchisees to the costs incurred, rebranding is a decision that requires strategic thinking and careful consideration. So, if you’re curious about the importance and challenges of franchise rebranding, this episode is for you. Let’s dive into the world of franchising and explore the fascinating topic of franchise rebranding! 


The Significance of Data-Driven Decisions in Franchise Rebranding Endeavors – Kevin Oldham

If you’re thinking about rebranding, engage your franchisees. Don’t do it in a vacuum. If you have a franchise advisory council, really good to bring them in. Absolutely, they’re the people that need to be weighing in on this. And then if you happen to be the chief marketing officer, make sure that you are prepared to take a few arrows. You’re prepared to stand your ground and also look at the higher good and the real reason as to why you’re doing it. Sometimes it helps to back it up with research, particularly if you have a tagline and you wanna see if that’s resonating with people and things like that. Research projects can help that as well in showing it. But backing up by data can help you get buy-in from your franchisees. And the buy and the support are ultimately paramount. I know some franchises that have flat out changed names, and that’s a big deal.

The Strategic Shift: How Rebranding Empowers Franchisees to Meet Competitive Challenges – kevin Oldham

So there’s an extreme version of quote unquote rebranding is a complete name change. Know this, know that us franchisors, we don’t just go through these exercises and make these changes on behalf of our franchisees just for the heck of it. We do it because typically the brand is getting dated or there’s something that we need to do. The exterior market conditions and the competition is leveled up and we need to meet that or exceed what they’re doing. So know that typically these things are not done just for the heck of it. As a matter of fact, very few people like to go through them. It’s a painful exercise to rebrand, but ultimately, it’s something that is typically made at the C suite level as a reason to pop through another iteration of the brand and bring it to market, most likely to stay relevant, increase market share, and help you be successful as a franchisee.

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business

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