Episode 69 – How Technology and Automation Empower Entrepreneurs with Neel Parekh

Episode 69 – How Technology and Automation Empower Entrepreneurs with Neel Parekh

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast hosted by Kevin Oldham, where we dive into the world of franchising. In today’s episode, we explore the power of off-the-shelf technology versus custom software development. We dive into the advantages and challenges of building software, and how companies can structure their systems to reflect their intellectual processes. 

But that’s not all! We also have a special guest joining us – Neel Parekh, an expert in operating businesses from anywhere. Neel has intentionally designed his life around the digital nomad lifestyle and helps other entrepreneurs achieve the same freedom. It’s going to be an insightful conversation as we learn about his journey and the strategies he has implemented to create a tech-forward cleaning company.

Make sure to stick around until the end because we have some exciting tips and advice on automating customer interactions, using Google reviews to boost business, and creating customized dashboards to track leads.


 The Side Hustle Revolution: How Starting a Business Can Be Done While Keeping Your Day Job – Neel Parekh

“The beautiful part about the day and age we live in is there’s so much tech available to let your business run on autopilot, if you want, or at least you utilize global talent, the local service industry has not figured that out at all. They’re typically years behind the times. A lot of those technologies and systems that I have created. Now we just installed our franchisees from the beginning. Right? When they join, we say, great. We’re gonna spin up this awesome website. All this automation pops up, goes to an automated funnel, and we could automatically send postcards if you want. There’s just a lot of things that we’ve done to be remote. And because of that, currently, we’re attracting a lot of people who have the same origin store as me.”

The Impact of a Founder’s Journey: How Trials and Failures Can Build Credibility – Kevin Oldham

“You’re also an attractive character from a marketing perspective we always talk about that it’s okay if you’ve ever if anybody’s ever gone  through  Donald Miller story brand type of storytelling methodology and how humans resonate with other humans trials and tribulations in their stories like we love freaking stories humans love stories and so when you’ve got the founder who was living this life that was inauthentic and then started to had failed ventures I was trying to figure it out was the entrepreneur trying to “Oh man just can’t make it” and then all of a sudden found something that gives you the credibility and makes it so much easier for your prospective franchisees to say “Oh yeah like we’re going to believe in this guy and his system and his team” And so I think that really helps you from relating to your franchisees where they are today and where they can be and you just get to you and your team get to be part of that process which is pretty cool man it’s real cool.”

Connect and learn more about Neel Parekh by visiting his socials below:

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Episode 68 – The Smoothie Shop Saga: Adapting to Customer Needs and Market Realities

Episode 68 – The Smoothie Shop Saga: Adapting to Customer Needs and Market Realities

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Franchise My Business podcast where we dive into a world of franchising. In today’s episode, we tackle the importance of listening to your customers. Join our host, Kevin Oldham, as he shares a real-world example from his own franchise system, the smoothie shop and supplements. Kevin takes us on a journey from a well-intentioned decision that backfired, to the valuable lessons learned, and finally to the successful pivot that transformed their business. Discover how understanding your customers’ needs and aligning them with your own vision can lead to empowered franchisees, happy customers, and a thriving business. So tune in as we explore the fascinating world of franchise business and the importance of customer satisfaction.


Navigating the Delicate Balance: Addressing Customer Needs while Staying True to Your Vision – Kevin Oldham

“We listened to what our customers wanted. So you know I think a dilemma that as you’re building the system or as you’re thinking about bringing things on you may have a vision for the business and that vision may not align with what your customers want or desire and so it’s this little delicate balance where you know as the owners of the business you always want to put the best product forward and what your customers want but also you want to listen to yourself and and your values and everything.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 67 – Unlocking Success: The Wellness Franchise Journey with Ross Franklin

Episode 67 – Unlocking Success: The Wellness Franchise Journey with Ross Franklin

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast hosted by Kevin Oldham, where we dive into the world of franchising. In this episode, we have a special guest, Ross Franklin, founder and CEO of Pure Green Franchise. Ross shares his journey from owning a health club to starting his own consulting company, and eventually realizing the importance of nutrition in achieving optimal health. He then takes us through the evolution of his business, from brick and mortar locations to a thriving wholesale division. Join us as Ross discusses his decision to transition into a franchise model, his philosophy on partnering with entrepreneurs, and the unique approach they take with their juice products. Get ready to learn about the franchise success formula behind Pure Green Franchise. It’s an episode you won’t want to miss!


The Power of Nutrition: Fueling your Body for Optimal Health and Fitness – Kevin Oldham

“As somebody who’s always tried to optimize nutrition, exercise, and everything. Everybody always thinks, “Hey, go to the gym as a solution” or “Go for a run as a solution”. And, yes, that’s part of the equation, but the biggest part is your nutrition, what you’re putting in your body. And so it’s cool that you went from “Hey I’m gonna do these big box gyms and all this stuff” to “I’m just gonna focus on stuff people put in their body” Food is medicine, as I always like to say.

CEO Secrets: Juggling Wholesale and Franchise Businesses to Build Healthy Communities – Ross Franklin

“We had a thriving wholesale business, both divisions were growing rapidly. It came to the point where when you look at our mission, which is to build healthier communities around the globe by connecting people with superfoods. In order to do that, I realized that we need the best people. How do we get the best people? That’s the franchise model. So with the franchise model, we could partner up with amazing operators, people who share and live in alignment with our mission, and in order to do that, I need 100% of my full focus. And this wholesale business, it’s a lot to juggle. So I brought my mentor in as the CEO to run the wholesale division to free me up to put 100% of my time and focus into building the franchise business, and started it during COVID, and now we’re on pace.”

Connect and learn more about Ross Franklin by visiting his socials below:

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

Episode 66 – The Art Of Protecting Your Mind with Kevin Oldham

Episode 66 – The Art Of Protecting Your Mind with Kevin Oldham

Welcome back to another episode of Franchise My Business podcast hosted by Kevin Oldham. In today’s episode, we dive into the art of protecting your mind as an entrepreneur, as a franchisor, and as a human being. Kevin introduces a transformative book that has had a dramatic impact on people’s lives, including his own. The book, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F” by Mark Manson, explores the importance of allocating energy to things that truly matter and letting go of those that do not serve us. Kevin draws parallels between this concept and a previous episode’s discussion on prioritizing the rocks in our lives. He emphasizes the need to protect our headspace and discusses strategies such as cutting out harmful relationships and blocking distractions. Ultimately, the power to react and control access to our minds lies solely with us. So, if you’re in search of reclaiming power and protecting your mind, this episode is for you. Stay tuned for some valuable insights and don’t forget to share this episode with someone who might benefit.


Mind Over Matter: Releasing the Grip of Unhealthy Attachments – Kevin Oldham

“The things that don’t serve you, the things that give you anxiety that are not necessary, those are the things that you don’t need to allocate energy to. Those are the things you don’t need to allocate trucks to. Those are the things that when you put them up in a metaphorical shelf in a box and put that box away, or you burn the box, they don’t have power over you anymore. And I think that’s one of the more profound things, because I’m a big experimenter. I’ve done this with relationships. It sucks. It’s hard. But if there’s a relationship that is no longer serving you, maybe it is taking your energy, your resources harming other healthy relationships.That relationship needs to not be allocated any energy. It doesn’t need to be allocated any trucks. It needs to be put out of your mind so that you can protect your mind for the things that matter and that are healthy for you as a human being.”

The Energy Equation: How to Optimize Daily Output by Allocating Your Mental Resources – Kevin Oldham

“The way that I think about protecting your mind is to train your mind to think about the things and give energy to the things that matter. Those are your trucks. You only have a certain amount of trucks to allocate every single day, a certain amount of energy to allocate every single day.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

Episode 65 – Transforming Lives: Premium Service Brands’ Franchise Philanthropy with Paul Flick

Episode 65 – Transforming Lives: Premium Service Brands’ Franchise Philanthropy with Paul Flick

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast hosted by Kevin Oldham, where we explore fascinating stories and innovative ideas from a wide range of industries. In today’s episode, we are joined by Paul Flick, the founder and CEO of Premium Service Brands. We dive into the world of franchise systems and the amazing ways they can make a positive impact. Join us as we uncover the story behind Premium Service Brands, a company that not only revolutionized the shared services model but also became a force for good in their communities. From addressing food poverty to supporting local nonprofits, their philanthropic efforts have left a lasting impact. We’ll also explore how this company’s unique approach to generating leads and cross-marketing services has propelled their franchise partners to new heights. Get ready for an exciting discussion filled with inspiring stories and insights into purpose-driven business. 


The Art of Trust: Unraveling the Connection Between Brands and Home Improvement – Kevin Oldham

“Our brands matter and our brand promise matters. But moreover, when we’re talking about doing something, particularly to our home, where we lay our head at night, trust with your local person who’s talking to you about doing that work on the home is probably more important than anything else. And my assumption is if you trust that person to do your painting, you had a good experience. “Hey. I need closets” or, “hey. I need to fill in the blanket”. It’s a very easy decision point for that consumer to say “hey, I’m gonna hire you under your other brand”

From Vision to Reality: How Kids Lift is Helping Families in Need – Paul Flick

“Kids lift was a huge part of my vision for premium service brands. First of all, I love kids and a child does not get to choose the family that they are born into. And I feel very grateful for the family I was born into. I was given food and was exposed to sports and travel. And not every kid gets that because they don’t choose to be in a family. And so those kids, those families need help, need support. And the basic support is food and clothing. And we also do back to school pencils and pack packs and stuff like that, but the primary driver is really the food and the clothes.”

Connect and learn more about Paul Flick by clicking the links below:

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