Episode 26 – Helping Kids Problem Solve via Coding: Featuring Skill Samurai

Episode 26 – Helping Kids Problem Solve via Coding: Featuring Skill Samurai

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin features Jeff Hughes, the President of Skill Samurai, an enrichment education franchise focused on computer programming and IT. What attracted Jeff to franchising was seeing his vision of empowering kids with in-demand skills to grow in different locations without physically needing to be there.

Jeff shares his business model which involves a lot of relationship-building with schools and really finding his tribe of people who value education in coding. And more than the education, Jeff’s programs help kids with a talent for coding to really explore their passion and, sometimes, even pay it forward. He also shares how his own kids help in the business and learn about entrepreneurship too.


Franchising is the perfect model for Jeff’s vision – Jeff: “I always liked that idea of creating something that I could sell that has recurring revenue, that has other people doing the business, and providing revenue back to me. So franchising was a great fit to do that. It really checked those boxes off to say alright, can I create something of value that people want to bring to their community, would give them an income, and also give me an income.”

Programming teaches kids how to solve problems – Jeff: “As parents, you try to eliminate as many problems as you can for your kids, so you solve a lot of things. And there has to be some line where you’re like, alright, you need to fail this time or these couple of times, and problem-solving is a big thing that we teach in a safe way, in class, because computer programming fails more than it succeeds, especially the first time.”

Connect with Jeff and Skill Samurai: 

Linkedin | Website 

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 25 – The Importance of Hobbies for Entrepreneurs with Kevin Oldham

Episode 25 – The Importance of Hobbies for Entrepreneurs with Kevin Oldham

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham talks about the value of hobbies to entrepreneurs. Most entrepreneurs put themselves at the bottom of the priority list. However, Kevin is living proof that serving yourself with activities that make YOU happy (and no one else!) is the key to serving the people who depend on you even BETTER


Hobbies — Serve yourself first to make you serve others even better – Kevin: “I am here to share with you and give you permission and actually tell you it’s your fricking responsibility to do things for yourself because if we can’t do things for our self, we can’t bring our best selves to the people that we serve, and the whole thing is just a big logic bust, and I’m here to tell you that I am living proof that when you get a hobby, it doesn’t have to be martial arts, it could be anything, whatever it is, but you get something that you can do for yourself that makes you feel good.”

Hobbies improve you by making you compete against yourself – Kevin: “It’s got to be something that I feel like if you’re competitive—and if you’re an entrepreneur, you better be competitive—that allows you to be competitive against yourself, meaning you can get better daily by doing that thing that you enjoy.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Franchising a Small Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Franchising a Small Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Beginning a small business venture can be daunting, but with the right guidance, it doesn’t have to be. As someone with extensive knowledge and experience in the field, I’m here to guide you through the process of owning your own business. In this blog post, we’ll discuss franchise agreements and how they can benefit small business owners.

If you’re not familiar with franchising, it’s a popular business model that allows entrepreneurs to start their own businesses using an established brand and proven business model. We’ll delve into what exactly a franchise agreement entails including the franchise disclosure document, startup costs associated with becoming a franchise owner, as well as ongoing fees required by the franchisor.

One of the biggest advantages of franchising is access to an established brand and target market. We will explore how this benefits small business owners by providing them with instant credibility in their industry as well as a built-in customer base.

In addition to discussing the benefits of franchising for small businesses, we’ll also talk about limited liability companies (LLCs) and how they can protect small business owners from personal liability if something goes wrong within their company.

If you’re considering starting your own small business or are looking for ways to improve your current operations, understanding everything there is about franchising is crucial. Come with me as we explore the intricacies of franchising for small business owners!

Table of Contents:

Is Franchising Right for Your Small Business?

Franchising is an attractive option for many small business owners, but it’s not right for everyone. Before signing a franchise agreement, entrepreneurs should conduct thorough market research and evaluate their company’s financial health to determine if franchising is the best fit.

Conducting Market Research:

To make sure that you have the necessary resources and know-how to launch a successful franchise, it’s important to do your due diligence when researching potential markets. Evaluating the competitors in your vicinity and determining if there is sufficient need for your product or service should be thoroughly investigated. Examining current franchises in the vicinity can give you an idea of how they are faring and what kind of system they have adopted. Moreover, take into account other variables such as local rules, population concentration, economic movements, etc., which can all have an impact on how prosperous your undertaking will be.

Evaluating Your Company’s Financial Health:

Franchising requires significant upfront costs so you must ensure that you have access to adequate capital before moving forward with this decision. Examine both the near-term outlays (franchise fees) and long-term investments (startup expenditures). Also, take into account any liabilities such as debt payments or loans that may impact cash flow over time. Finally, assess current revenue streams – will these be sufficient to cover operational costs?

Before committing to franchising, it is essential to assess if the model fits one’s business goals. Choosing the right franchise model requires careful consideration of different types of models and an understanding of successful industries for franchises.

Key Takeaway: Before embarking on the journey of franchising, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive financial analysis and market research. Thorough market research is necessary to assess whether or not there is enough demand for your product or service, while also examining existing franchises in the area. Moreover, having a clear understanding of the costs both immediate and future will help guarantee success.

Choosing the Right Franchise Model

When considering a franchise, various elements must be assessed in order to make the most suitable selection. Understanding the different types of franchises available and how each one can impact a business’s growth potential is key for emerging franchisors.

The first step in selecting the best franchise model is understanding the various options. There are three main types of franchises: product/trade name, business format, and single-unit franchises. Product/trade name franchises involve using a well-known brand or trademarked products; these tend to have lower start-up costs than other models but offer less control over operations. Business format franchises involve using an established system for running a business; this type offers more control but requires higher initial investments. Finally, single-unit franchises involve operating one location independently; this option offers the most autonomy but also has high start-up costs associated with it.

In addition to considering different types of franchise models, training programs should not be overlooked as they provide new franchisees with essential knowledge needed to succeed in their venture. A comprehensive program should include topics such as marketing strategies tailored towards investors, creating an operations manual, and finding suitable franchisees who possess qualities that align with your company’s values and goals. It’s important for franchisors to ensure their program provides adequate support so that new owners feel confident when launching their businesses under your brand umbrella.

Studying industries that have had success with franchising is an essential factor to consider before investing in any model, especially if you’re just starting out. Industries like eateries, shops, and auto services are usually prosperous due to recurrent customers who acquire products or amenities consistently, which aids in sustaining gains year after year. With careful research and planning around which industry will work best for you based on your unique situation and goals, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success.

Opting for the correct franchise design is fundamental to guaranteeing your business will be successful in the long term. With a comprehensive operations manual, you can take control of all aspects of franchising and create an environment where success thrives.

Key Takeaway: Considering the various franchise models available, such as product trade names and business format franchises or single-unit models, it is important to carefully evaluate which option best fits one’s needs. From product trade name and business format franchises to single-unit models, there are several options available with varying start-up costs and levels of control. Additionally, investing in comprehensive training programs can help provide new owners with essential knowledge while researching industries where franchising has been successful is also important for long-term success.

Creating an Operations Manual

Creating an operations manual is essential for any emerging franchisor. SOPs must be implemented to guarantee uniformity in the application of processes and protocols across all franchises. Attorneys experienced in franchising can be hired to guarantee compliance with legal mandates and that contracts between the franchisee and franchisor are properly composed. Clear brand guidelines should also be included in the operations manual, as this will provide a unified look and feel for all franchises under the same umbrella. Examples of these guidelines could include signage specifications, uniform requirements, or marketing collateral templates. By establishing these standards upfront, you can make sure your franchise remains consistent throughout its growth.

Attention to fine points is essential for the formation of an effective operations guide. Having well-defined SOPs helps streamline day-to-day tasks while providing structure for new employees joining your team. Attorneys specializing in franchising can assist with drafting legally binding documents such as agreements between parties involved or non-disclosure statements when necessary. Establishing clear brand guidelines allows each location to maintain a cohesive look and feel so customers recognize them as part of one larger entity, making it easier to attract potential investors down the line. Finally, having everything written out clearly makes it simpler for future owners or managers who take over ownership of existing franchises, allowing them to hit the ground running without having too much guesswork involved.

Creating an effective Operations Manual is a critical factor for setting up a prosperous franchise, and it’s essential to identify the ideal franchisors who can assist in accomplishing your ambitions. Finding suitable franchisees requires understanding what qualities make for a good fit and cultivating relationships with experienced mentors in the industry.

Finding Suitable Franchisees

When seeking potential franchisees, certain criteria should be considered to ensure the right fit. The perfect franchisee should be driven by enthusiasm for the sector and a grasp of the brand’s goals. They should also have strong business acumen and financial resources to invest in their own location. Additionally, they must possess leadership skills and be able to effectively manage staff while providing excellent customer service. It’s important that potential franchisees have a commitment to ongoing training so they can stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices.

Building relationships with mentors within your industry can help you find qualified candidates for franchising opportunities. Mentors provide invaluable support throughout the process of expanding through franchises, sharing articles they find help with other entrepreneurs to build community spirit among stakeholders involved in each location’s operation. Connecting with knowledgeable professionals who are well-versed in franchising can provide franchisees with advice when making decisions, as well as provide them assurance of their capability to triumph in this enterprise. Furthermore, mentors can offer guidance on how best to market your brand or product so that it stands out from competitors and resonates more easily with customers than ever before.

Finding suitable franchisees requires a thorough understanding of the qualities to look for in potential franchisees, as well as building relationships with industry mentors. With this knowledge firmly established, marketing strategies tailored toward investors can be crafted effectively and efficiently.

Marketing Strategies Tailored Towards Investors

Attracting investors to your franchise can be a daunting task, but with the right marketing strategies tailored specifically for them, you can make it easier. Unraveling the desires and considerations of prospective financiers is essential for crafting an approach that will entice them to invest in your franchise. To ensure success, it is essential to create a tailored plan that takes into account the market research and investors’ preferences.

When crafting marketing strategies targeted towards investors, focus on providing information about the benefits of franchising as well as any unique advantages that your particular business offers. Highlight features such as tax incentives or other financial benefits that could help attract more investment capital into your business model. Additionally, consider creating content around topics such as industry trends or economic forecasts which may give insight into why now is a great time to invest in a franchise opportunity like yours.

It’s also important to emphasize why investing in your franchise makes sense from both a personal and professional standpoint. Provide examples of successful businesses within similar industries that have seen success through franchising, emphasizing how these investments paid off over time due to their long-term sustainability and scalability opportunities offered by the model itself. Showcase stories of existing franchisees who are experiencing growth or successes so potential investors can envision themselves achieving similar results when investing with you.

Ensure that all promotional content is current and precise so potential investors feel secure when assessing whether to invest in your business. Utilize strong visuals such as infographics or videos which demonstrate clearly why choosing this option would be beneficial for them – giving them concrete reasons rather than just relying on vague promises alone. This way they’ll know exactly what kind of return on investment (ROI) they’re likely going to receive if they decide to go ahead with it; something many people look out for before committing funds anywhere.

Key Takeaway: Crafting a tailored marketing strategy to attract investors for your franchise can be tricky, but with the right research and content designed around investor preferences and financial incentives you will have them lining up. Emphasize why investing in your business makes sense from both an economic and personal standpoint, providing examples of successful businesses within similar industries that have seen success through franchising. Utilizing strong visuals such as infographics or videos which show potential ROI will help seal the deal.

FAQs in Relation to Franchising a Small Business

1. Research the industry and potential markets:

Conduct thorough research on the industry you plan to enter, including understanding your target market and competitors.

2. Create a comprehensive business plan that outlines all the facets of running your franchise, including financials and operations management.

3. Secure financing:

Obtain adequate funding for startup costs such as equipment, inventory, staff salaries, etc., through traditional or alternative sources like crowdfunding platforms or venture capitalists.

4. Choose an appropriate location:

Identify locations with high foot traffic in order to maximize sales opportunities and brand visibility while minimizing operational expenses such as rent payments.

5. Register your company & obtain the necessary licenses/permits:

Comply with local laws by registering the company name at the state level and obtaining relevant permits required for operating a small business in your area of operation (if applicable).

6. Train personnel & develop systems/processes:

Ensure employees are adequately trained on customer service protocols, product knowledge, safety regulations, cash handling procedures, etc. while developing efficient systems/processes for daily operations.

7. Launch & promote your franchise

Market the business through various channels such as print, radio, and digital advertising to build brand awareness in the local community.


Are there any legal requirements for franchising a small business?

Yes, there are legal requirements for franchising a small business. Depending on the country and region, these may include registering with local authorities or filing disclosure documents. Additionally, certain regulations may apply to protect franchisees from unfair practices such as requiring them to pay upfront fees before they receive any services. Awareness of laws regulating promotion and publicity is essential for meeting applicable norms. Consequently, all contractual stipulations must be clearly outlined to ensure that the franchisee and franchisor are aware of their respective rights and responsibilities.

What types of support do franchises typically provide to their franchisees?

Franchises typically provide a variety of support to their franchisees, including training and education, marketing assistance, operational guidance, and advice on legal matters. They may also offer access to resources such as discounted products or services from suppliers. Furthermore, franchises can provide mentorship programs for new franchise owners so they have an experienced guide to help them through the process of setting up their businesses. Finally, franchisors often assist with financial planning and financing options for those interested in buying into the system.

What type of financial returns can I expect from franchising my small business?

Franchising your small business can be a great way to increase revenue and expand your reach. When done correctly, it can provide long-term financial returns through ongoing royalties, new customer acquisition costs, marketing fees, and more. Franchising offers the potential to build brand awareness in various areas and benefit from experienced franchisees with knowledge of the sector. With careful planning and research into local regulations and potential partners, franchising can be an excellent way to maximize profits for years to come.


Franchising can be an excellent means of broadening one’s reach and augmenting profits. With the right guidance, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about which franchise model is best for you, create an operations manual that meets all of your needs, find suitable franchisees who will help drive success in your venture, and develop marketing strategies tailored towards potential investors. Taking the time to do this research now could mean greater rewards down the line – so don’t hesitate.

Take the first step towards franchising your small business by consulting a franchise expert. Check out our podcast, Franchise My Business, which has all the resources and guidance needed to get started on this exciting journey!

Episode 24 – From a One-Man Show to a Thriving Mobile Repair Franchise: Featuring Quick Mobile Repair

Episode 24 – From a One-Man Show to a Thriving Mobile Repair Franchise: Featuring Quick Mobile Repair

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin features Nick Fazio, the Founder, and CEO of Quick Mobile Repair. Nick pioneered the 15-minute iPhone screen repair back in the early days when you could only get an iPhone 3GS from AT&T. With $6000 and nothing but his intuition, he became the repair guy of Scottsdale. 

After the success of his shop, Nick met his business partner, Allen, and quickly opened 4 locations. By 2020, they started franchising and this would prove to solidify Quick Mobile Repair’s status as an essential service. Today, they have 15 locations open in the US with a total of 90 locations sold and 15 more locations in the pipeline.


Skills can be taught but care makes a franchisee truly valuable – Nick: “We look at our best-performing stores, our store leaders, who care the most? Who really cares if their store’s doing well? Those people, in my opinion, are irreplaceable.”

Gadget repair is an essential service – Nick: “COVID didn’t do wonders for the world but for our business, it was very lucrative. I mean, you’re trapped in your house, and you need your laptop and your computer. So it became we were an essential service. We didn’t shut down and our sales jumped 30-40% from pretty much April on.”

All stores are connected via Slack and have their knowledge bases available – Nick: “All of our stores are talking to each other on an hourly basis. So if somebody gets a phone that you’ve never heard of… someone will put a message, how can we fix this? Then you have 80 technicians who could answer questions, and you have it at the drop of a hat.”

Connect with Nick: 

LinkedIn | Website 

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

LinkedIn | Website 

Episode 23 – Franchisee and Franchisor Alignment with Kevin Oldham

Episode 23 – Franchisee and Franchisor Alignment with Kevin Oldham

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham shares his insights on the dynamics between the franchisee and franchisor when it comes to communication and alignment. Open communication is essential because it helps define goals and needs, and even more importantly, helps solve any friction within the business.


There are many factors that impact the relationship, so keep communication open – Kevin: “If you don’t have a culture of open communication between franchisee and franchisor, consider ways to do that. And make it so that it is productive and results-oriented.”

There’s friction in the franchisee-franchisor relationship – Kevin: “There’s friction everywhere. Your job as a franchisor is to go out and reduce that friction and listen to your franchisees. You don’t have to do everything they say by the way but it is your job to listen and take into account what they’re saying and furthermore determine if it makes sense for the organization.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

LinkedIn | Website