Episode 30 – Scaling Culture for a Rapidly Growing IV Nutrition Franchise: Featuring The DRIPBaR

Episode 30 – Scaling Culture for a Rapidly Growing IV Nutrition Franchise: Featuring The DRIPBaR

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we welcome Ben Crosbie, CEO of The DRIPBaR. From owning a line of health clubs, Ben shares his franchising journey that started when he secured the rights for the global franchise Tapout Fitness.

After exiting that, Ben pioneered The DRIPBaR’s franchise model, scaled it, and just last year acquired 100% of the IV nutrition business. Their key differentiator is their laser focus on IV and cellular health.

Ben talks about their franchisees and how they are a mix of people who believe in parallel treatments for proactive health and investors looking to diversify their portfolios.


Scaling and opening in Manhattan in 24 months – Ben: “We opened our first franchise location in January of ’21, so about 24 months ago. As of today, we have 44 open and we’re opening 1 to 2 a week for the foreseeable future. We just got an exciting picture that we have a location opening right next to Times Square, Manhattan next month.”

Stay focused on what you are good at – Ben: “What truly separates us from the competition is we’re laser-focused on IVs and cellular health. We’re not going to splinter off and start doing a bunch of other things, adding a bunch of different amenities. We’ll be the Starbucks of the industry. We don’t want to be the big, high-end steakhouse where we can do everything under one roof.”

Connect with Ben through the links below:

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Episode 29 – AI and Franchising with Kevin Oldham

Episode 29 – AI and Franchising with Kevin Oldham

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham dives into the topic everyone is talking about: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Kevin sees the inevitability of the singularity and looks back on another transformative era: the dawn of the Internet. From this experience, he urges franchisors to adopt and play around with AI and challenges them how AI can look like in the future.


The 3 things you need to adapt to AI – Kevin: “The headline here is A) Don’t freak out, just be curious. B) Stay on top of what’s happening. And C) Don’t put your head in the sand. You cannot ignore it. Doesn’t mean that you have to fully embrace it, but you do have to understand it.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 28 – Gamifying Franchise Growth: Featuring XP League with Jay Melamed

Episode 28 – Gamifying Franchise Growth: Featuring XP League with Jay Melamed

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we are joined by Jay Melamed, Co-Founder and CEO of XP League. No matter how you look at it, anyone of any age can play video games. This is why esports has simply become one of the fastest-growing industries in our digital age today.

Jay takes us through the unique qualities of franchising in the esports space and what it means for avid gamers and enthusiastic owners alike.


The impact the league could have on player growth – Jay: “If our kids turn around and play online games competitively outside of our league and carry the XP league values with them, that’s a huge win for our mission.”

Connect with Jay through the links below:

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Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 27 – How to Find Your Ikigai and Transform Your Outlook On Life And Business with Kevin Oldham

Episode 27 – How to Find Your Ikigai and Transform Your Outlook On Life And Business with Kevin Oldham

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham explains the concept of ikigai which is all about finding your zone of genius. For franchisors, finding your role in the Venn diagram of ikigai means understanding the role switch that happens by becoming a franchisor. This leap of faith may be out of your zone of genius. If it depletes your energy, get it off your plate.


Be aware that franchising means operating OUT of your zone of genius – Kevin: “They start franchising and they realize that their job changed. They’re a mentor, they’re a psychiatrist, a counselor, they’re a problem-solver. Like they’re not making cupcakes, they’re helping entrepreneurs succeed. Two different, completely different, skill sets. And for some people, that’s not going to be in their zone of genius. As a matter of fact, for most people, when you make that switch, you’re going to be learning on the fly.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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7 Steps on How to Become a Franchise Owner

7 Steps on How to Become a Franchise Owner

As a seasoned franchise owner, I understand the challenges and rewards of franchise ownership. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of franchising and explore what it takes to become a successful franchisee.

We’ll start by discussing the basics: what is a franchise agreement? What is included in a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)? We’ll also look at some key considerations for prospective franchisees such as startup costs, royalty fees, and marketing strategies.

Next, we’ll examine how to research potential franchises. When researching potential franchises, what should you be looking for? How can you evaluate whether a particular franchise company is right for you?

We’ll then move on to discuss important legal considerations that come with owning a franchised business. You need to know about current laws governing franchises before signing any agreements or making any commitments.

Finally, we will hear from established brand owners who have successfully navigated their way through the competitive landscape of franchising. They will share their insights on what it takes to build and maintain profitable businesses within this industry.

If you’re considering becoming a franchise owner or are simply interested in learning more about this exciting business model, keep reading! This comprehensive guide provides all the info required to embark on a successful entrepreneurial journey in franchising.

Table of Contents:

Understanding Franchising

Franchising has been a popular choice for aspiring business owners for years, allowing them to take advantage of an established brand name and trademark in exchange for fees or royalties. In franchising, a parent company grants the right to use its established brand name and trademarks in exchange for fees or royalties. The franchisee then uses the parent company’s resources and support system to open up their own branch of the business.

Before making a decision on franchising, it is important to evaluate if your skill set and knowledge base align with the requirements of this type of business ownership. First off, you’ll need to determine if your skillset is suited for this type of business ownership. While some franchises require extensive training or experience in specific areas such as marketing or accounting, others may have more general requirements like good customer service skills and basic knowledge of running a small business. Additionally, most franchises will require prospective franchisees to submit a detailed business plan outlining how they intend on managing their new venture successfully.

Another important factor when deciding whether franchising is right for you is understanding what kind of startup costs are involved with launching your own franchise location. This includes paying an initial fee upfront plus any ongoing royalty fees required by the parent company each month based on sales figures from your individual store location(s). You’ll also need money set aside for purchasing equipment necessary to run your store properly (such as POS systems) as well as funds allocated towards marketing strategies that can help increase brand awareness within your local area and beyond.

Closing sentence about “Understanding Franchising”: Understanding the fundamentals of franchising is a critical step in becoming a successful franchise owner. Transition sentence about the Next Heading: Now that you have an understanding of what franchising entails, it’s time to start researching potential opportunities.

Key Takeaway: Franchising is an attractive option for entrepreneurs, but before making the leap you should assess whether your skillset and financial resources are suitable. You’ll need to pay an initial fee plus ongoing royalty fees as well as invest in equipment and marketing – it’s a hefty investment so do your homework.

Researching Potential Opportunities

When researching potential franchise opportunities, it’s important to take the time to explore all of your options. The best way to do this is by using online resources such as industry publications and websites that specialize in franchising. By taking the time to examine different franchises, one can gain insight into their respective features and assess them against each other.

It’s also important to thoroughly examine the terms and requirements for each opportunity before making any commitments or investments. This includes reading through the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) carefully, which outlines key information about the franchise including its history, fees associated with ownership, restrictions on the territory or customer base, financial performance representations, and more.

Before signing on with a particular franchisor, be sure to check their background thoroughly. Read reviews from current and former franchisees; look into any legal disputes they may have had; research their track record when it comes to success rates; find out how long they’ve been in business; determine if there are any red flags that could potentially impact your investment decision; etc. Before investing in a franchise, taking the time to review its background and performance history is essential for making an informed decision.

Exploring possibilities is a fundamental element of attaining success as a franchise proprietor since it assists in pinpointing the optimal venture for you. Financing your franchise requires careful planning and consideration of all available options; understanding these factors can help ensure that you make the best decision possible.

Key Takeaway: It’s essential to do your due diligence when exploring potential franchise opportunities, from reading the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) closely to researching a franchisor’s background and track record. Advise against cutting corners – ensure all aspects are examined before signing the contract.

Financing Your Franchise

Financing a franchise requires careful planning and consideration of all the associated costs. Before making any decisions, it is important to understand the upfront fees, ongoing royalties, operational costs, and other hidden expenses that come with owning a franchise.

Retirement Savings:

One way to finance your franchise is by using retirement savings such as 401(k)s or IRAs. Those with accumulated funds may wish to use them for a franchise investment, rather than acquiring sizable loans from financial institutions. Before utilizing retirement savings for financing, make sure to research the possible taxes or penalties associated with withdrawing funds.


Obtaining loans from banks or credit unions is another option when financing your franchise venture. It’s important to shop around for the best rates and terms available since different lenders may offer different packages depending on your individual circumstances. Make sure you know what type of collateral will be required if any and also take into account additional closing costs such as application fees, appraisal fees, etc., which could add up quickly if not planned properly in advance.

Hidden Costs:

There are several hidden costs associated with owning a franchise that potential owners should consider when budgeting for their new business venture including insurance premiums, legal/accounting services, marketing expenses, etc. Additionally, most franchises require an initial royalty fee upon signing the agreement along with ongoing payments throughout the duration of ownership so make sure you factor this into your overall financial plan as well.

Finally, don’t forget about cash flow management which includes setting aside funds for unexpected expenses like repairs/maintenance down the line as well as hiring staff if needed; both of which can really eat away at profits if not accounted for ahead of time.

Securing the funding needed to own a franchise is an essential part of the journey toward becoming an entrepreneur. With proper preparation and planning, you can confidently move on to preparing yourself for ownership.

Key Takeaway: Financing a franchise requires careful consideration of all associated costs and can be done by using retirement savings or loans. It is important to take into account hidden expenses such as insurance premiums, legal accounting services, marketing expenses, etc., as well as cash flow management for unexpected costs like repairs and staff hire in order to stay ahead of the game.

Preparing Yourself for Ownership

Owning a franchise is an arduous undertaking, necessitating commitment and enthusiasm to meet set goals within the framework of franchisor directives. Owning a franchise necessitates intense toil, commitment, and zealousness. You must be driven to achieve measurable targets while still following the rules and regulations set forth by the franchisor. Knowing what qualities make someone an ideal candidate for owning their own Athlete’s Franchise is essential in order to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally before taking on such a commitment.

Being familiar with the workings of a business is essential to managing any kind of enterprise, particularly a franchise. This means having knowledge about accounting principles, marketing strategies, customer service techniques, and more that are all necessary for success in this industry. Additionally, it’s important to have strong communication skills so you can effectively communicate with your team members as well as customers or clients if applicable.

It also helps if you have experience in the food service sector or related industries since franchises often involve selling products or services directly to consumers; however, this isn’t always required depending on the particular brand you choose to invest in. Lastly don’t forget about setting aside time for yourself too – whether that’s through yoga/meditation classes each week or even just scheduling regular breaks throughout day-to-day activities – self-care should never be overlooked when prepping up ownership.

Franchise ownership takes patience and perseverance, but with enough preparation, one can easily navigate any challenge one may face along the way. Having realistic expectations prior to starting out will help keep stress levels down while staying focused on the ultimate goal: becoming a successful entrepreneur who provides exceptional service within their community. With the right mindset plus proper guidance from experienced professionals like myself, anyone can reach heights beyond what they thought possible – all they need to do is take that first step towards achieving their dreams today.

Preparing yourself for ownership requires a thorough understanding of the franchise system and its associated processes. With this knowledge in hand, you can move on to selecting an ideal location and attending training sessions that will help ensure your success as a franchise owner.

Key Takeaway: Achieving success as a franchisee requires effort and determination, but with the right preparation and advice from knowledgeable individuals it can be accomplished. It’s important to understand business operations, has strong communication skills, and make sure you take care of yourself in order to reach your goals – so don’t forget to “take that leap” today.

Location Selection & Training Sessions

When choosing the ideal location for your franchise, it is important to evaluate various factors. Before deciding on a location for your franchise, it is essential to assess whether the area aligns with your business plan and brand vision. You should also research the demographics of the area to ensure that it’s a good fit for your target audience. Moreover, it is essential to evaluate if there are any other companies in the vicinity and what their services resemble when compared with yours.

Once you’ve identified an ideal location for your franchise, it’s time to start training sessions with potential employees. It’s important that everyone on board understands how the business operates as well as all relevant policies and procedures before they can begin working at your franchise. As part of this process, provide comprehensive training materials such as manuals and handbooks so everyone has access to key information when needed. Additionally, be sure to include role-specific training depending on each individual’s position within the organization – from customer service representatives all the way up through management roles.

In order for new employees to get comfortable with their job duties quickly without feeling overwhelmed by too much information at once; break down large tasks into smaller chunks while still providing them with enough knowledge necessary for success within their role(s). This will help them understand how different aspects of their job interact with one another over time rather than trying to take everything in all at once which could lead to confusion or frustration among team members during the onboarding processes

Location selection and training sessions are critical steps in the franchise process, so make sure to take your time when making decisions. Now let’s look at how you can launch your own successful franchise business.

Key Takeaway: When starting a franchise, it’s important to pick the right location and provide comprehensive training for your employees. Breaking down large tasks into smaller chunks helps new staff get up to speed quickly without feeling overwhelmed by too much information at once; this ensures that everyone is on the same page from day one.

Launching Your Franchise

As you embark on this thrilling journey, it is essential to ensure that you are adequately prepared for the franchise launch. Here are some tips and considerations to help you get started:

Create a Launch Plan:

A launch plan should include all of the steps necessary to open up a shop. From marketing campaigns and hiring staff to obtaining licenses and permits, creating a comprehensive plan can help ensure that everything runs smoothly on opening day.

Hire Staff:

Hiring the right people is essential for launching a successful franchise. Ensure you have sufficient personnel prior to your inauguration so patrons don’t experience excessive delays or lack of attention when entering your shop. Additionally, invest in employee training programs so that everyone is familiar with company policies and procedures from day one.

Market Your Franchise:

Marketing plays an integral role in launching any business – especially franchises. Utilize digital channels such as social media, local newspapers, and radio stations to create a buzz for your franchise prior to launch. You may also want to consider offering discounts or special promotions during this period of time as an incentive for potential customers.

Test Systems & Processes:

Before officially launching your franchise be sure all systems (i.e.

point-of-sale software) are functioning properly and processes are running efficiently throughout each department within the organization (i.e.

customer service). This will help minimize any hiccups along the way once things start rolling out at full speed post-launch date.

It is important that all employees understand their roles within the organization prior to the launch date, which means training them thoroughly beforehand. Make sure they know how each system works, what protocols need to be followed, and who they report directly to so there is no confusion down the line when it comes time for operations to run seamlessly without issue on Day 1 of operation post-launch.

Launching your franchise is an exciting step towards achieving success in the business world, and with proper planning, it can be a smooth process. Sustaining and amplifying your franchise necessitates a commitment to guarantee sustained success; it is essential to have tactics for both short-term expansion as well as long-term endurance.

Key Takeaway: To ensure a successful launch, it’s important to create a comprehensive plan, hire and train the right staff, market your franchise effectively prior to opening day, and test systems & processes. Don’t let any unexpected hiccups throw you off course – hit the ground running with everything in place.

Maintaining & Growing Your Franchise

Sustaining and augmenting your franchise is an essential part of the franchising procedure. As a new franchise owner, having the right tools and tactics in place is essential for keeping your business flourishing. Here are some key steps to take when it comes to maintaining and growing your franchise:

1) Monitor Performance:

It’s important for you as a franchisor to monitor performance on an ongoing basis. Be vigilant for any modifications or patterns that could have an effect on your business so you can take the necessary action. This includes tracking sales figures, customer feedback, employee satisfaction levels, market conditions, competition level, etc.

2) Invest in Training & Development:

Offering training opportunities for both new and existing employees is essential for keeping up with industry trends and ensuring they are well-equipped with the skills needed for success. Additionally, investing in development programs such as leadership courses or mentorship programs can help foster growth within your organization while also increasing engagement among staff members which leads to improved productivity overall.

3) Leverage Technology:

Technology plays a huge role in today’s business world so it’s important that you leverage technology effectively when it comes to managing and growing your franchise. Utilizing software solutions like CRM systems or analytics platforms can help streamline processes while providing insights into customer behavior patterns which will enable better decision-making capabilities down the line. Additionally, having an online presence through social media channels or even creating mobile applications can provide additional avenues for engaging customers more directly which ultimately leads to increased brand loyalty over time.

4) Keep Your Franchise Fresh & Relevant:

In order for businesses (and franchises.) To stay competitive they must constantly evolve their products/services based on changing consumer needs/trends as well as keep up with current industry standards. Keeping things fresh by introducing new offerings periodically not only keeps customers interested but also helps maintain relevance amongst other competitors who may be offering similar services/products at lower prices than yours.

Networking is another great way of expanding reach while learning from peers who may have gone through similar experiences before yourself. By collaborating with other franchises, you gain access to not only valuable advice but potential partnerships as well; all of which contribute towards successful long-term growth strategies.

Key Takeaway: As a franchise expert, it is essential to monitor performance on an ongoing basis, invest in training and development opportunities for employees and leverage technology effectively. Additionally, keeping the franchise fresh by introducing new offerings periodically while networking with other franchises can help ensure long-term success.

FAQs in Relation to How to Become a Franchise Owner

How do you become an owner of a franchise?

Once a potential franchisee has evaluated the options, they should reach out to the franchisor for additional info such as cost of investment, biz plans, training needs, and other related matters. Then they should contact a franchisor to discuss details such as investment costs, business plans, training requirements, and other associated topics. After signing all necessary documents with the franchisor and making any required investments or payments, you will officially be an owner of your own franchise. Finally, follow up on any ongoing training that may be needed to ensure success in running your new venture.

Is it easy to become a franchise owner?

Achieving success as a franchisee may be daunting, but it is attainable with the right expertise and direction. It requires extensive research into the industry, an understanding of regulations, and dedication to meeting goals. Achieving success as a franchise proprietor is attainable with the right preparation and assistance from experienced professionals in the domain.

How much money do you need to become a franchise owner?

The expense of taking on a franchise can be very different depending on the kind of company and its related charges. Generally, prospective owners should plan to invest at least $50,000 in startup costs for most franchises. This includes an initial fee paid to the franchisor as well as working capital for supplies and other expenses related to opening the business. Additionally, it is important to factor in ongoing royalty payments that must be made regularly throughout the life of your franchise agreement. To ensure success, you may also need additional funds set aside for marketing or unexpected operating costs that could arise during your ownership period.


Becoming a franchise owner is an exciting journey. With the right resources, knowledge, and support from Franchise My Business, you can become a successful franchisee. Gain insight into the franchising process and embark on your venture with assurance – we are here to support you as you take those steps toward becoming a franchise owner. Take that first step today and explore how our expert advice can make all the difference in achieving success as a new business operator.

Take the first step towards becoming a successful franchise owner by leveraging our expertise and resources. Check out our Franchise My Business podcast and step into the world of franchising!

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