Episode 34 – Profit with a Purpose: Featuring Success on the Spectrum

Episode 34 – Profit with a Purpose: Featuring Success on the Spectrum

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we are joined by Nichole Daher, Founder and CEO of Success on the Spectrum (SOS). She shares how being an autism mom sparked the idea of a center-based franchise that would maximize the potential of her daughter.

Her business profits with a purpose, being the only center-based franchise that offers a combination of science, fun, community, safety, and high parent involvement for kids on the spectrum. 

Instead of charging for private tuition, SOS offers health insurance to pay instead, opening its doors to families from all walks of life. Nichole discusses how fellow autism parents are their ideal franchisees, as well as the need to be selective since their business is not simply about making money but about empathy as well.


Autism parents are the ICP as they see the value of the business model – Nichole: “They see the lack of supply, and so these people are the first ones to say, hey, I’ve been on a waitlist for one year in my city, I should just open my own and all these other kids that are on the waiting list, I’ll instantly have clients. And that’s exactly how it works.”

The business model has been proven to work in different environments – Nichole: “Your model has to be replicable in different environments. So we started out here in Texas where school systems are not friendly to us, but private insurance is. And then we started opening in New Jersey where the opposite is true, where there’s not a lot of private insurance, but there are a lot of school contracts that we can obtain, and so it has to work in not just your local area.”

Connect with Nichole and SOS through the links below:

LinkedIn | Website | YouTube

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 33 – Structuring Franchise Fees and Royalty Payments with Kevin Oldham

Episode 33 – Structuring Franchise Fees and Royalty Payments with Kevin Oldham

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham discusses how franchise fees and royalty payments work. Franchise fees cover the franchisee’s onboarding into your business. 

As your brand grows, the initial franchise fee (IFF) becomes more and more profitable as well. Depending on your business, what IFF covers can vary quite a bit, but at the end of the day, it is YOU who determines how much your IFF will be.


Aside from IFF, rebates are a source of income – Kevin: “If you think about the things that your franchisees need to operate their business, let’s use the smoothie shop again, we’ve got machinery, we have food products.”

“We have cups, straws, like paper products and things like that, and there are opportunities that if you wanted to go and talk to those suppliers, that you can structure rebates on things that your franchisees are required to purchase.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

LinkedIn | Website

Episode 32 – How Years of Coaching Led This Entrepreneur to Launch a Fundraising Franchise: Featuring Fundraising U

Episode 32 – How Years of Coaching Led This Entrepreneur to Launch a Fundraising Franchise: Featuring Fundraising U

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we are joined by Mike Bahun, Director of Player Development and Leadership at Ohio State Baseball and President of Fundraising University. He shares his passion for student-athletes and leaders and his decades of experience fundraising as a coach.

Mike figured he would combine the two backgrounds into Fundraising University. He shares how his roadmap changed several times as the company grew regionally, and then nationally. He shares the personas of their franchisees and the qualities they look for, and how their focus is on improving execution.


A franchise model is a commitment to the future – Mike: “You have to make the commitment to the future, like if any part of this isn’t part of the overall, and you can move it down the road symbiotically, then that resistance point will break you. You’ll go like this and you won’t snap back, where ours was very symbiotic. They went together to get to a further point.”

The characteristics of Fundraising U’s franchisees – Mike: “The 5 characteristics that we identify and we base our whole thing on is self-starter, they’re working from home. They got to be competitive because the business world’s shaking and moving. If your feelings get hurt or you’re worried about competitors, you’re going to get stuck. They’ve got to be organized.”

“They’ve got to be coachable, and then they have to have empathy. And that’s what makes this kind of unique. To answer your question, because you could look at this as a home-based business that’s outbound, direct selling going into schools, but you also have to have the empathy for the kids.”

Connect with Mike and work with him through the links below:

LinkedIn | Website | Phone: 402-680-5029

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

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Episode 31- Playing The Infinite Game with Kevin Oldham

Episode 31- Playing The Infinite Game with Kevin Oldham

In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham talks about The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. A finite mindset sees business as a finite game where the players agree to a set of rules and, in the end, there are winners and losers. However, an infinite leader in an infinite game has a just cause that has no finish line.


To play the game you have to stay in the game – Kevin: “Number one rule of a game is to stay in the game. That’s it. Wake up tomorrow and be able to play the game again. That could be in your personal life, where it can be in your business life, could be in anything. But the number one thing, unless you want to be out of the game, is to wake up and play the game the next day.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

LinkedIn | Website

When to Franchise Your Business: Key Factors and Strategies

When to Franchise Your Business: Key Factors and Strategies

Deciding when to franchise your business is a crucial step in the growth and expansion of any successful company. Determining if your business is ready for franchising and how to ensure its success in the franchise market are topics this blog post will explore.

We will begin by assessing your business’s readiness for franchising, focusing on financial stability as a key factor, along with the importance of having a strong brand identity and well-documented systems. Next, we’ll discuss preparing your business for franchising success by building an effective leadership team and emphasizing trademark protection through USPTO registration.

Lastly, we’ll evaluate various growth opportunities available through different franchise models while ensuring compliance with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations. Gaining insight into these core concepts can help you decide when to franchise your company and attain long-term success in a continually shifting market.

Table of Contents:

Assessing Your Business’s Readiness for Franchising

If you’re considering franchising your business, it’s essential to first evaluate its readiness. This means taking a close look at the financial stability, success, and ability to be easily replicated. Assessing if your business is ready to franchise requires a close examination of certain key factors.

Financial Stability as a Key Factor in Franchising Readiness

A financially stable business is crucial when thinking about franchising. It not only demonstrates that your concept has been successful but also provides assurance to potential franchisees that they are investing in a viable opportunity. To assess your financial stability, review several years of financial statements and ensure consistent growth and profitability over time. You may also want to consult with an experienced franchise consultant who can provide guidance on whether or not you meet industry benchmarks for successful franchises.

The Importance of a Strong Brand Identity and Documented Systems

In addition to financial stability, having a strong brand identity is vital for attracting potential franchisees and ensuring long-term success within the competitive marketplace. A well-established brand should have clear messaging, unique selling points (USPs), and memorable visuals like logos or packaging designs that resonate with customers across various demographics nationwide.

  • Create consistency: Ensure all marketing materials follow strict guidelines regarding logo usage, colors schemes/fonts/typefaces used throughout promotional campaigns – this helps create uniformity while building trust among consumers who recognize familiar elements associated with quality products/services offered by reputable companies worldwide.
  • Tell your story: Develop compelling narratives around company origins/history; showcase how core values drive daily operations internally alongside external partnerships formed over time within communities served locally or regionally via social media channels, PR efforts & event sponsorships alike.

Furthermore, having well-documented systems and operating procedures is essential for ensuring that your franchisees can replicate your business model successfully. This includes everything from employee training manuals to inventory management processes – all of which should be easily accessible through a centralized franchise operations manual.

In conclusion, assessing your business’s readiness for franchising involves evaluating financial stability, brand identity strength, and the existence of documented systems. Considering financial stability, brand identity strength, and documented systems, consulting with a franchise lawyer or advisor may be beneficial in order to make an informed choice about when franchising is the best option.

Assessing your business’s readiness for franchising is a critical step in the process of successful expansion. To ensure that your franchise will be profitable and well-run, it is important to properly prepare before beginning the franchising journey – this includes building an effective leadership team and trademark protection through USPTO registration.

Key Takeaway: 

Before franchising your business, assess its readiness by evaluating financial stability, brand identity strength and documented systems. Financial stability is crucial to demonstrate success and attract potential franchisees while a strong brand identity with clear messaging and unique selling points will ensure long-term success in the competitive marketplace. Well-documented systems are also essential for successful replication of the business model by franchisees.

Preparing Your Business for Franchising Success

Are you eager to bring your business to a new level? It’s time to establish a solid infrastructure and leadership team capable of overseeing expansion. To ensure successful franchising efforts, follow these crucial steps:

Building an Effective Leadership Team for Expansion Oversight

Your business will only reach its full potential with the right people in charge. Assemble a talented management team with diverse skill sets that complement each other. This powerhouse group should have experience in operations, marketing, finance, and franchise development. Gathering together a team of experts with different skills can provide the tools needed to face any difficulties and make wise decisions during franchising.

The Importance of Trademark Protection through USPTO Registration

A strong brand identity is essential when entering the world of franchising. Protect your valuable trademarks by registering them with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). This step not only safeguards your intellectual property but also helps avoid potential legal disputes down the road.

Maintaining High-Quality Customer Service Standards

  • Create comprehensive training programs: Equip franchisees with all necessary tools and knowledge required for delivering exceptional customer service experiences.
  • Incorporate ongoing support: Offer continuous guidance and assistance through regular check-ins or access to online resources such as webinars or e-learning platforms.
  • Evaluate performance regularly: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like customer satisfaction ratings or average response times to ensure franchisees are meeting or exceeding expectations.

By focusing on these essential elements, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful franchising journey. Remember, thorough preparation is the key to unlocking your business’s full potential.

Evaluating Growth Opportunities Through Franchise Models

As an aspiring franchisor, you may be eager to explore new avenues for business expansion and achieve greater heights. One crucial aspect to consider when planning for growth is selecting the right franchise model that aligns with your company’s goals and values. In this section, we’ll dive into different types of franchise models and discuss how they can contribute to your success while ensuring compliance with FTC regulations.

Comparing Various Types of Franchise Models

To make an informed decision on which franchise model suits your business best, let’s explore some popular options:

  • Product Distribution: This type involves distributing products through a network of dealers or retailers who have the right to sell those products under the manufacturer’s brand name. Examples include automobile dealerships and gas stations.
  • Management-Based Systems: Here, the focus is on providing management expertise rather than specific goods or services. The franchisor offers support in areas like marketing, training, and operational procedures while allowing franchisees to maintain control over their businesses.
  • Conversion Franchising: In this model, existing independent businesses convert into franchises by adopting a proven system provided by the franchisor. This approach allows them access to established branding strategies without starting from scratch.
  • Pure Franchising: This classic model includes well-known examples such as fast-food chains where both product distribution and management systems are part of a comprehensive package offered by the franchisor.

Doing your due diligence to assess which approach is most suited for your business objectives and industry conventions can assist in finding the right fit.

Ensuring Compliance with FTC Regulations

As you embark on this exciting journey, it’s essential to stay informed about the rules governing franchising. The FTC Franchise Rule is designed to protect both franchisees and consumers by ensuring that potential investors receive accurate information before making a commitment. Some key aspects of compliance include:

  • Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD): This document provides detailed information about the franchisor, its history, financial performance, fees, obligations of both parties involved in the agreement, and more. It must be provided to prospective franchisees at least 14 days before signing any contract or paying any fees.
  • Earnings Claims: If you choose to provide financial projections or earnings claims for your franchise model, they must be based on reasonable grounds supported by written documentation that can be substantiated upon request.

Maintaining compliance with these regulations not only protects your business but also builds trust among potential investors who will appreciate transparency as they consider joining your growing network of franchises.

Key Takeaway: 

When looking to extend your enterprise via franchising, it’s essential to choose a franchise model that fits with your firm’s objectives and beliefs. Popular options include product distribution, management-based systems, conversion franchising, and pure franchising. To ensure compliance with FTC regulations governing franchising, provide accurate information in the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) and avoid making unsupported earnings claims.

Frequently Asked Questions When to Franchise Your Business

How do I know when to franchise my business?

To determine if it’s the right time to franchise your business, consider factors such as financial stability, a strong brand identity, documented systems and processes, an effective leadership team for expansion oversight, trademark protection through USPTO registration, and compliance with FTC regulations.

Why should you franchise your business?

Franchising can be an effective growth strategy that allows businesses to expand rapidly using other people’s capital. It enables the franchisor to leverage their proven concept and established brand while benefiting from royalties paid by franchisees who operate individual units.

What factors would you need to consider before opening a franchise?

Before opening a franchise, evaluate potential growth opportunities in various markets. Assess the competitive landscape and market demand for your product or service. Consider legal requirements like FTC regulations and state-specific laws governing franchises. Additionally, choose the appropriate type of franchise model that aligns with your goals.

What are the 3 conditions of a franchise agreement?

Three key conditions of a typical franchise agreement include: 

(1) Fees payable by the franchisee such as initial investment costs and ongoing royalty payments. 

(2) Rights granted by franchisor including use of trademarks, proprietary systems/methods.

(3) Obligations imposed on the franchisee, such as maintaining brand standards and participating in marketing efforts.


Assessing your business’s readiness for franchising, preparing it for success, and evaluating growth opportunities through franchise models are all critical steps to take when considering whether or not to franchise your business. Financial solidity, an iconic brand identity, detailed processes, a capable management team and trademark security are some of the aspects to weigh up prior to franchising.

Comparing various types of franchises models and ensuring compliance with FTC regulations is also important in order to maximize growth potential while minimizing risk. Remember that franchising isn’t right for every business – but if you’ve determined that it is right for yours based on these considerations – then there’s no better time than now to start exploring this exciting opportunity!

Tune in to our Franchise My Business podcast if you’re eager to learn more about the world of franchising!