Episode 64 – Seasons of Flow In Your Franchise

Episode 64 – Seasons of Flow In Your Franchise

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast hosted by Kevin Oldham, where we explore the fascinating world of business and uncover strategies for success. In today’s episode, we will dive into the concept of flow in the franchise system. Drawing inspiration from thought leaders Seth Goden and Steven Pressfield, we will examine how resistance can hinder our progress and how achieving a state of flow can transform our business endeavors. This insightful discussion will unravel the secrets to embracing organizational flow, navigating through seasons of success, and finding joy in the everyday challenges of running a business. Let’s get ready to dive deep into the world of franchise flow in this insightful episode of the Franchise My Business podcast.


The Flow State of Business: Navigating Growth, Market Dynamics, and Change – Kevin Oldham

“If you find yourself in a state or a season of organizational flow, embrace the heck out of it. Because one thing that we know is that if you’re growing, and even if you’re not growing, the market’s changing. So even if you’re static in terms of “hey, you’ve got XL locations. There’s not a lot of growth, not a lot of loss”. The market’s still gonna change. So the dynamics impacting your business are still going to change. And what I like to say is when you find that flow state within your organization, embrace it because it will change.”

Building Momentum: Strategies for Creating a Season of Flow in Your Franchise – Kevin Oldham

“A season of flow in your franchise to me or in any business means that things are going pretty better than typical. They’re not as laborious, they’re maybe not as painful for you, right? Again, it doesn’t mean that every single thing is awesome. It just means in the aggregate that things seem to go a lot easier in your business. Maybe you’ve worked out a lot of the kinks, maybe you’ve gotten rid of a franchisee that was a thorn in your side, maybe it was just anything.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

Episode 63 – Balancing Business Success while Spending Quality Time with Family

Episode 63 – Balancing Business Success while Spending Quality Time with Family

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast. In today’s episode, we dive into strategies for balancing our professional and personal lives. Our host, Kevin Oldham shares his personal experience of setting expectations, building a reliable team, and managing the demands of the business while still prioritizing family. He discusses the challenges of staying connected in a constantly connected world and the importance of identifying and prioritizing the “big rocks” in our lives. Join us as we explore the key factors that contribute to finding the right rhythm and routine for a harmonious work-life blend. Let’s dive in!


Cracking the Code of Success: Balancing Family and Professional Priorities – Kevin Oldham

“And so you’ve gotta figure out what works for you, what works for the people that you serve, all the stakeholders in your life, and most importantly, what works for your family And I think that if you work with what are the rocks that you have to think about in relation to your family and then work backwards, then you’re gonna be good to go.”

Finding Purpose in Work and Family: Balancing Commitments in Different Seasons of Life – Kevin Oldham

“I think self awareness is probably the other thing is being aware of a season of life, being aware of if something’s permanent. It’s a couple years, if it’s just a temporary thing, and then adapting your work into it and making sure that your team members know about it. That’s really the success factor, I think, is having team members that you could rely on that if you set up a set of rules for when you’re gonna be gone, And you also set up rules and expectations for when you work, when you don’t work, the the stakeholders, whether they’re franchisees, whether customers, they start to figure out what your cadence is. And I think that everybody understands that everybody has a family, and we’re all working for something greater than that, but it could be a greater cause, purpose, family, all those things.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

Episode 62 – International Expansion: Tips and Considerations For Taking a Franchise System Global

Episode 62 – International Expansion: Tips and Considerations For Taking a Franchise System Global

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Franchise My Business podcast that explores the world of franchising and international business expansion. In today’s episode, we dive into the captivating realm of expanding franchises internationally. We’ll take you on a journey of international franchising, offering invaluable tips on seeking advice, mentorship, and the role of international franchising consultants. 

We’ll discuss the implications of time zones, cultural differences, compliance, and the importance of partnership in the international expansion process. Kevin Oldham has extensive experience in expanding franchises in Latin America and more. Join us as we uncover the secrets to successful international franchising and how to navigate the diverse landscape of business opportunities across the globe.


Cultural Understanding: Building Bridges Across International Business Practices – Kevin Oldham:

The next thing that I think we found that’s a little bit more challenging is just making sure that everybody’s on the same page. You’re gonna have different cultures. Every country is going to have different cultural ways. For example, when we were dealing a lot with getting things done in Latin America, I’m a very fast paced person, and I would get frustrated at how it would take longer to get stuff done in Latin America. And I was like, That’s just culturally how they operate, and that is okay. Once I got my mind calibrated around that, it was super cool. But I realized that unlike us, I’m just gonna say Americans who are just super boom or like hammers. Right? We just wanna get stuff done.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

Episode 61 – Brand vs. Direct Response Marketing For Franchise System Growth

Episode 61 – Brand vs. Direct Response Marketing For Franchise System Growth

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast where we dive into the world of marketing and business strategies. In today’s episode, we are diving into the intriguing topic of brand versus direct response marketing. 

Join our host, Kevin Oldham, as he explores the power of building a captivating brand that resonates with consumers, and how direct response marketing can play a vital role in promoting your business. We’ll uncover the secrets behind iconic brands like Southwest Airlines and Coca Cola, and understand why establishing a strong brand is crucial before shifting our focus to direct response marketing. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into today’s episode and discover how building a remarkable brand sets the stage for franchise success. 


Mastering the Art of Branding: The Game-Changer in Franchise Success – Kevin Oldham:

You have to have an amazing brand before you franchise. And I don’t mean brand by a logo or anything like that. What’s your brand promise to your customer? How do you treat them? What is the service level that you’re providing beginning to end? What does that look like? That is component number 1. And then that makes any of your direct response advertising or direct response marketing efforts that much more effective. My perspective is, amazing brand, and you can have terrible direct response marketing and have a great franchise system. But if you’ve got a bad brand, I don’t care how much direct response marketing or how much marketing you have. You still just don’t have a great brands. who wants to affiliate with, especially with somebody who doesn’t have a great brand who wants to pay an initial franchise fee to get the right to separate and if it’s not brand that is on, favorably not only by prospective franchisees, but also by the general public.

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business:

Episode 60 – Cool Brands That Don’t Franchise

Episode 60 – Cool Brands That Don’t Franchise

Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast, where we dive deep into the world of business and examine what sets successful companies apart from the rest. 

In today’s episode, we’ll be exploring the fascinating world of franchises, focusing on two well-known brands that have chosen not to franchise: QuickTrip and In-N-Out Burger. These companies have achieved remarkable success by maintaining full control over their operations and consistently delivering exceptional experiences to their customers. Join our host, Kevin Oldham as he takes us on a journey through the unique business models of these two brands and dives into the reasons behind their decision not to franchise. 

So grab your headphones and get ready to discover what it takes to create a truly outstanding customer experience on this exciting episode of the Franchise My Business!


Keeping Control: Understanding the Benefits of Owning Locations and Expanding Without Franchising – Kevin Oldham 

There’s a whole slew of others out there that are just these remarkable organizations that have chosen not to franchise. And so it’s one of those things that I like to bring up because we do talk about franchising a ton on the show. But know that owning the locations and expanding that way, sure it’s more capital intensive. But Long term, if you’re playing a super long game, you do have more control over how your product or service is delivered in the marketplace. and there are a couple of key players out there that you could model yourself after if that’s one of those paths that you decide to go down. Keep your eyes open. Like, every time you go to a cool business or you have a remarkable experience, look them up, see if they’re franchise or not. You’d be surprised at how many businesses are, but furthermore, you’d be surprised at how many brands that you’re familiar with have decided not to package up their own intellectual property and share it with others.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business: