In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin features Grant Gooding, Founder, and CEO of PROOF. Experience in mergers and acquisitions has given Grant insights into how to create messaging that resonates not just with end customers, but with potential franchisees as well. 

He shares how to use data and research and to present it in an interesting way so prospective franchisees see a way to turn their capital into profit. This reveals what is truly important to the people you are selling to, from what their aspirations are to what they expect from your brand, and to use it as a competitive advantage.


Messaging to franchisees and end customers can be 2 different things – Grant: “What are the elements of our business model as a franchisor that we can communicate to our franchisee that is gonna get them to go, this is a good opportunity? This is something for me, I want to hang my hat on and run with?”

“Oh, by the way, here are all the value propositions and unique selling propositions and things that are gonna allow you to be successful in the market, in whatever marketplace you’re in. So it’s not always a linear type of relationship that exists between how we have to message to a franchisee versus our end customer. They may be completely separate.”

Understand the nuances why your customers show up – Grant: “One of the reasons that M&A failures happen a lot in integration is we don’t really understand those nuances. And those are the nuances that human beings buy, and if you change a little thing, you’re like, wait a minute, all we did was get rid of this or change our hours a little bit. How come it had this dramatic effect on our business? It’s because you truly didn’t understand why they’re showing up. You just knew that they did, so it is kind of a false confidence.”

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