Welcome to another exciting episode of the Franchise My Business podcast that explores the world of franchising and international business expansion. In today’s episode, we dive into the captivating realm of expanding franchises internationally. We’ll take you on a journey of international franchising, offering invaluable tips on seeking advice, mentorship, and the role of international franchising consultants. 

We’ll discuss the implications of time zones, cultural differences, compliance, and the importance of partnership in the international expansion process. Kevin Oldham has extensive experience in expanding franchises in Latin America and more. Join us as we uncover the secrets to successful international franchising and how to navigate the diverse landscape of business opportunities across the globe.


Cultural Understanding: Building Bridges Across International Business Practices – Kevin Oldham:

The next thing that I think we found that’s a little bit more challenging is just making sure that everybody’s on the same page. You’re gonna have different cultures. Every country is going to have different cultural ways. For example, when we were dealing a lot with getting things done in Latin America, I’m a very fast paced person, and I would get frustrated at how it would take longer to get stuff done in Latin America. And I was like, That’s just culturally how they operate, and that is okay. Once I got my mind calibrated around that, it was super cool. But I realized that unlike us, I’m just gonna say Americans who are just super boom or like hammers. Right? We just wanna get stuff done.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business: