Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast where we dive into the world of marketing and business strategies. In today’s episode, we are diving into the intriguing topic of brand versus direct response marketing. 

Join our host, Kevin Oldham, as he explores the power of building a captivating brand that resonates with consumers, and how direct response marketing can play a vital role in promoting your business. We’ll uncover the secrets behind iconic brands like Southwest Airlines and Coca Cola, and understand why establishing a strong brand is crucial before shifting our focus to direct response marketing. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into today’s episode and discover how building a remarkable brand sets the stage for franchise success. 


Mastering the Art of Branding: The Game-Changer in Franchise Success – Kevin Oldham:

You have to have an amazing brand before you franchise. And I don’t mean brand by a logo or anything like that. What’s your brand promise to your customer? How do you treat them? What is the service level that you’re providing beginning to end? What does that look like? That is component number 1. And then that makes any of your direct response advertising or direct response marketing efforts that much more effective. My perspective is, amazing brand, and you can have terrible direct response marketing and have a great franchise system. But if you’ve got a bad brand, I don’t care how much direct response marketing or how much marketing you have. You still just don’t have a great brands. who wants to affiliate with, especially with somebody who doesn’t have a great brand who wants to pay an initial franchise fee to get the right to separate and if it’s not brand that is on, favorably not only by prospective franchisees, but also by the general public.

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business: