Welcome back to the Franchise My Business podcast, where we dive deep into the world of business and examine what sets successful companies apart from the rest. 

In today’s episode, we’ll be exploring the fascinating world of franchises, focusing on two well-known brands that have chosen not to franchise: QuickTrip and In-N-Out Burger. These companies have achieved remarkable success by maintaining full control over their operations and consistently delivering exceptional experiences to their customers. Join our host, Kevin Oldham as he takes us on a journey through the unique business models of these two brands and dives into the reasons behind their decision not to franchise. 

So grab your headphones and get ready to discover what it takes to create a truly outstanding customer experience on this exciting episode of the Franchise My Business!


Keeping Control: Understanding the Benefits of Owning Locations and Expanding Without Franchising – Kevin Oldham 

There’s a whole slew of others out there that are just these remarkable organizations that have chosen not to franchise. And so it’s one of those things that I like to bring up because we do talk about franchising a ton on the show. But know that owning the locations and expanding that way, sure it’s more capital intensive. But Long term, if you’re playing a super long game, you do have more control over how your product or service is delivered in the marketplace. and there are a couple of key players out there that you could model yourself after if that’s one of those paths that you decide to go down. Keep your eyes open. Like, every time you go to a cool business or you have a remarkable experience, look them up, see if they’re franchise or not. You’d be surprised at how many businesses are, but furthermore, you’d be surprised at how many brands that you’re familiar with have decided not to package up their own intellectual property and share it with others.”

Find out more about Kevin and Franchise My Business: