In this episode of Franchise My Business, host Kevin Oldham discusses the importance of seeking inspiration beyond the confines of your own organization. He shares personal experiences of finding innovative ideas in unexpected places, such as a coffee shop made from a shipping container and unique concepts from various industries. Kevin emphasizes the value of breaking patterns and exploring new environments to stimulate creativity and solve problems. He highlights that innovation often occurs in the in-between spaces of daily life and encourages listeners to step outside their industry for fresh perspectives.


Expanding Franchise Ideas through Observation – Kevin: “And one day we were driving by this really, really cool coffee shop. And it was made out of, basically it was a drive-through, and it was made out of a shipping container. It was called Table Rock coffee roasters, and all of a sudden I just start taking pictures as we’re driving by, and my wife’s like, ‘What are you doing?’ And I said, ‘Honey, I’m taking pictures because I feel like that shipping container is a potential way that we could expand our franchise because we’re always looking at ways that we can economically bring a drive-through model to market.’”

Break Patterns for Innovation – Kevin: “What I’ve found is that most of my amazing business ideas, most of the breakthroughs I’ve had, all those things that really rarely happen when I’m super close to things, and typically it’s those spaces in between when we’re mostly inspiration happens. And when there’s inspiration, a lot of times that can trigger innovation and innovation can trigger really, really cool things for your franchise and for your business.”

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