In this episode of Franchise My Business, host Kevin Oldham explores the topic of failure and its return on investment (ROI). Inspired by a conference featuring renowned speaker John Maxwell, Kevin delves into the culture of silence surrounding failure and emphasizes the need to discuss and learn from it. He distinguishes between good failures, which provide growth opportunities, and bad failures, which offer little value. Drawing from personal experience, Kevin shares a significant business failure that ultimately had a positive impact on his leadership, relationships, and overall direction. He highlights the importance of vulnerability, teamwork, and introspection in overcoming failures and transforming them into stepping stones for success.


Investing in Failure: The Transformative Power of Learning from Mistakes – Kevin: “Chances are you probably wouldn’t be where you are today, probably dramatically better than where you were. In my case, two years ago. So, embrace the failures. I know that sounds cliche. They suck. Sometimes they’re expensive. Sometimes they’re painful. Sometimes they’re emotional. Sometimes we have to do hard things through failure, but a lot of times there’s a positive ROI on that.”

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HOST: Kevin Oldham

Franchise My Business Podcast