In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, Kevin Oldham introduces the Hell Yes or No filter as a powerful tool for decision-making. Inspired by Derek Sivers, he emphasizes the importance of trusting one’s gut instinct and having a visceral response to opportunities, commitments, and invitations. Kevin encourages listeners to adopt the mindset of either a “hell yes” or a “no” when evaluating various aspects of life. He explains that every “no” creates space for more aligned and fulfilling “yeses.” The episode concludes with a request for reviews and feedback to support the show’s growth.


Opening Doors to Limitless Opportunities – Kevin: “If it’s not a hell yes, then it’s got to be a no. Like it just has to be because life is full of opportunities. And every “no” of everybody knows this, every “no” leaves room for more “yeses”. Like that could be either a better fit, more in alignment, integrity, like whatever it is, just wanting to do it, like whatever it is that you want to do in life.”

Every “no” gives you an opportunity for more “yeses” – Kevin: “Every “no” gives you an opportunity for more “yeses” in areas that are aligned with what you want to do every single day.”

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