In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we are joined by Katie Gillberg, Founder and CEO of Hydrate IV Bar. Today, we talk about IV therapy, where it started, and how it’s caught wildfire earning more and more buyers to the service today.

Katie talks about the challenges of being in the IV therapy space specifically because many people are still not familiar with the service today. While that’s slowly changing now, she highlights the importance of constant growth for the company and the product itself.


Client safety is still of utmost importance – Katie: “I knew from the beginning in our industry the biggest challenge which is educating people that these services were available and that, yes, we were creating a spa-like atmosphere, we wanted an elevated experience, but by no means were we cutting any corners on the clinical side of it.”

We need to find the people that can elevate us in the franchising space – Katie: “For me, still the most important piece that I invest in are the people around me. So that is hiring people that are more experienced, that, are smarter, and I always hire above me because that’s the only way we will elevate.”

Connect with Katie through the links below:

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