In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we are joined by Jessica Yarmey, the CEO of KickHouse. She shares the unique journey of her brand which offered franchises from the get-go.

By tapping into people’s entrepreneurial itch during the pandemic, KickHouse was able to gain momentum and grow quickly to 25 locations, all franchise-owned. The success of KickHouse is a testament to the effectiveness of intentional branding, collaboration, and proactive entrepreneurship. 


Franchising is an accessible way to enter entrepreneurship – Jessica: “There’s no reason why there shouldn’t be more females in franchising. Right now it’s 30% of franchises are run by females.”

“It should be easily 50-50, if not more so, because of the flexibility of the business model. Same thing with blacks and underrepresented populations, like franchising is an amazing way to dip your toe into entrepreneurship.”

A feminine approach to franchising is a flexible business model – Jessica: “If you’re a business owner who’s listening to this and you’re a female and you’re like, I can’t do franchising because it’s just such a male-dominated space. Yeah, it is. But that’s what’s going to make you different and that’s what’s going to help you succeed.”

Connect with Jessica through the links below:

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