In this episode of the Franchise My Business podcast, we are joined by Nichole Daher, Founder and CEO of Success on the Spectrum (SOS). She shares how being an autism mom sparked the idea of a center-based franchise that would maximize the potential of her daughter.

Her business profits with a purpose, being the only center-based franchise that offers a combination of science, fun, community, safety, and high parent involvement for kids on the spectrum. 

Instead of charging for private tuition, SOS offers health insurance to pay instead, opening its doors to families from all walks of life. Nichole discusses how fellow autism parents are their ideal franchisees, as well as the need to be selective since their business is not simply about making money but about empathy as well.


Autism parents are the ICP as they see the value of the business model – Nichole: “They see the lack of supply, and so these people are the first ones to say, hey, I’ve been on a waitlist for one year in my city, I should just open my own and all these other kids that are on the waiting list, I’ll instantly have clients. And that’s exactly how it works.”

The business model has been proven to work in different environments – Nichole: “Your model has to be replicable in different environments. So we started out here in Texas where school systems are not friendly to us, but private insurance is. And then we started opening in New Jersey where the opposite is true, where there’s not a lot of private insurance, but there are a lot of school contracts that we can obtain, and so it has to work in not just your local area.”

Connect with Nichole and SOS through the links below:

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