Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Franchise My Business podcast! Chris Decker comes on the show to ask your host Kevin Oldham why franchising is close to his heart and his reasons for sharing his experiences through his podcast. 

Franchise My Business shows exactly how the franchise business model is a way for entrepreneurs to get what they want in life while also having a huge impact on local communities. It is a deeply rewarding way to build a business and see other people succeed with the same mission!


Franchises benefit both entrepreneurs and local communities – Kevin: “I love the impact that operating a franchise system can have on the world, not only on entrepreneurs and helping them get what they want in life, but also on the people that those entrepreneurs serve in their local communities. I just think it’s such a beautiful business model.”

Franchising is the smart way to go about business – Kevin: “What I’m excited to share with people is the formulation of the business idea. I remember when we whiteboarded United Real Estate, figuring out how we’re going to build this business model, and then seeing what it’s like when it comes to life. That’s a really cool inflection point in a business.”

Connect with Chris:Chris Decker | Salescast | Salescast.co